sickness 1

397 8 6

×ʏᴏᴜʀ ᴘᴏᴠ×

Waking up in cold sweat, I got up from another nightmare. It was a cold night here in Norway, me and my brother are planning to leave today to England. Though it's fine here already, he said he wants to move in with his friends and is bringing me with him.

I guess he needs me to work with him on a new project he's planning. Tbh I can't wait. Me and my twin brother Tord look almost the same. The hair horns, same hoodies, height, and literally everything else. Although my hair isn't caramel coloured.

It's h/c. And my eyes are e/c. We have.. Quite a few more siblings. Older brother and younger sister. My little sister was more off.. An accident. You see, me and my siblings were on a trip with our grandparents, while out parents stayed home. When we came back, they announced that we will have her. At that time, I was innocent, but now? Our sister is basically  'proof-that-they-banged' (so are we) but sure. She's five now, and I really hope I won't have anymore siblings.

The 4 of us is enough. Anyway  back to the thing, as I was about to sa-

"Y/n! We're here. "

My brother interrupted my thoughts as he shook me awake. I quickly pushed him off earning a scoff from on the floor. This was going to be interesting.


"Tord! "

A cheery voice erupted from the crowd, as there was only us 5 there. I'm not sure why I said crowd then - Never mind.

"Oh, hello old friends. Long time no see, eh? "

Tord waved, as if signalling for me to do the same. I just stood there unknowingly staring at a certain green-hoodied boy.

"Well hi there! My name's Matt, and I loove your shirt! Just where did you get it? "

The same voice I now know as Matt asked me. I took time replying before examining him.

"Oh- I got it from my mum, sorry bud', I don't know where it's from. "

He was a tall dude with beautiful ginger locks and baby blue eyes. He was wearing a purple hoodie and a green overcoat. I mean, it is winter so makes sense.

Behind him appeared a slightly shorter male with spiky light brown hair. The thing that particularly caught my attention was his lack of eyes. I waved my hand in front of his eyes, checking if he can see or not.

"Uh.. Are you blind? "

I asked rudely. It didn't mean to come out like that, but sure. His face only scrunched up sourly before replying.

"Why, got a problem with it? "

Now I wasn't sure if he was a blind or wanted me to think he was blind. So I just replied back to his reply. This will become confusing.

"No no, just- are you actually blind? Sorry if it sounded rude.. "

I trailed off. "Hah! Don't worry my dear sister, you did NOTHING wrong to Jehovah. "

"Don't call Tim - " Tom " "- that. "

Matt said, and the now familiar with Tom interrupted mid-sentence. Well, this will be more that interesting.

Edd X Reader Oneshots! (●'◡'●) - DISCONTINUEDWhere stories live. Discover now