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My mind is empty. Wait, I actually have to say something. Would you all be interested in an alternative ending? Like with Gyro, Johnny or even with Hot Pants? Please, let me know. Thank you💖

Y/N's pov:

Despite it already being so cold and dark, Diego insisted on going to that house.
"Dio.. are you sure it's here-" "Yes, look." I turned to look up ahead and saw a distant light.
We ran through the forest for a little more and we finally arrived. I was relieved. The house was quite big. We left our horses, picked up our luggage and knocked on the door. There was still someone inside. I was worried that.. the last accident might repeat. "Diego.. Don't think about hurting anyone unless we are in danger." I told him in a serious tone. "Got you." He replied.
Then someone from behind the door unlocked it. The door opened and we saw a middle aged guy with a big smile. "Good afternoon! My name's is Big Ed (im sorry💀) and you are free to stay in here!" He welcomed us. "Oh- Thank you Big Ed! I'm Y/N and he is Diego." I thanked him. He signed for us to go inside.

"So how's the race? Never expected anyone to come, but I prepared a dinner just in case." We followed him to the living room. It was cozy and there was food on a table near a big window with a forest view. Very luxurious for its time. "It's pretty cold in that time of the year, especially in those regions." I told him. "Yes, the weather is really rough. Is that dinner for us?" Diego added. "Yes, yes. It's for you both of you, there's more in the kitchen for more people." He pointed for us to sit on the couch at the table. It was fancy. "Where could we leave our stuff first?" Diego asked him. "Oh that's right. Follow me." He started walking along a corridor upstairs.
"You ma'am can stay in that room and the gentleman can stay right there." He showed us our rooms. "Thank you E-" "We'd actually want one room with one bed for us." Diego cut me off. I guess he still felt anxious leaving me alone. Well, better be safe than sorry. "O- That's just fine. You can stay at the third room there." He pointed. I nodded and we walked inside.

We turned on the lights and we had a good look of the room. The theme of the room was red. It was really pretty.
"Woah-" I heard that Diego silently gasped. "Hey! You like it right!" I chuckled. I noticed that he admired well decorated rooms. "You could say that." He kept the cold act and put his bags on a shelf. He turned to me. "Let me..Let me take it." Diego said quietly, reaching his hand for my luggage. "Oh- here. Thank you!" I was surprised that he actually did that. He was so cute when he did those little things. "You are welcome." He put them next to his. "Why is that for thoughhh?" I smiled and hugged him from behind. "Mm.. I don't know either." He turned and hugged me back. "I'm hungry, yeah. Let's go down now." He let go of me and grabbed my hand taking me with him...

We went down the stairs, smelling the delicious aroma. And then.. I couldn't believe who was standing there. "Y/N.. Diego?!!" "Johnny, Gyro!??!" I jumped back in shock. It couldn't get worse. "Wha- What are you doing here??" Gyro shouted out. "What are YOU doing here?!" Diego hissed. I tried letting go off his hand, but he tightened his grip. I didn't want Johnny to see.. "We are staying here obviously!" Gyro continued shouting. "We came here first!" Diego talked back. "I'm not fucking listening to you, asshole! We are staying here!" Gyro declared. "Too bad the-" "CAN YOU ALL SHUT THE FUCK UP" I shouted. "Ahem, okay thank you. It's such chaos in here. We can just sleep upstairs and you here, downstairs. It's literally not that deep." I said calmly. "...Yeah and are you sure your 'boyfriend' won't do anything!? Like eat us alive while we sleep?!" Johnny decided to speak up. I looked at Diego. He gave me an annoyed glance and huffed. "He won't, I promise." I told him. Then the housekeeper came in the living room too. "What's going on here? Is everything alright with everyone?" He worriedly asked. "Yes, we are sorry for being so loud. It's nothing really." Johnny apologized. "It's all fine, no one in here except us. Now, why not having a dinner? Who's gonna eat all that food I made!" He laughed it off. The problem was that.. It was going to be a bit.. awkward..

-Across America- Diego Brando x readerDonde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora