Chapter 17 - aftermath

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"I mean, we should probably, you know..." Tim trailed off, placing his glass of wine on the coffee table in front of him.

Lucy knew exactly what Tim was referring to, but she wouldn't let him have the easy way out. She raised an eyebrow at him, and cocked her head, mimicking confusion.

"Do you-?" Tim stopped and frowned. He blinked at her. Lucy looked back at him and puckered her lips, making quiet 'kissy sounds' with her mouth.

He sighed and slapped his thighs in despair. Lucy burst out in giggles at the expression on his face. "Ok, ok fine," she said, "we might have to... PDA?"

Tim stared at her in disbelief. Her brown eyes reflected the warm yellow of the candles and shone brightly in the dinly lot apartment.

Lucy finally gave in to Tim's concerns. "Ok, yeah, you're right. If we're gonna have to kiss, it shouldn't be for the first time," she said, a slightly faraway look on her face. She brought a partly covered hand up to her lips and rested the tips of her fingers there. Tim watched Lucy intently, then suddenly realized with a jerk of his head, that he hadn't taken his eyes off her all evening.

The sudden movement snapped Lucy out of her trance and she shook herself, turning to look at him. "Should we... Stand up?" She asked tentatively.

Tim nodded, and as they both rose to their feet, there wereq few mumbles of affirmation to each other and themselves. Once Lucy straightened up she lifted her chin to look at Tim who, to the great amusement of Lucy, already had his lips puckered half-heartedly. She snorted and turned away scrunhing her face up. The glasses of wine and the heightened adrenaline had her high on, well, Tim.

"No," she choked out, laughing at him.

"Oh come on," said Tim; he was getting anxious now. "We're professionals, lets just get this over with so we can call it a day."

Raising her eyebrows, Lucy crossed her arms over her chest, and Tim couldn't stop his eyes from flicking dosnwards. Lucy caught the motion of his eyes, but didn't comment.

"Oh well that's romantic," she huffed, smiling.

"I'm not trying to be romantic," Tim pointed out.

"Uh, well you're succeeding," she shot back, mildly offended at his tone of voice.

When he didn't reply with a snarky comeback, she realized he was getting serious now, so she sobered up.

"Ok, ok ok, just- just give me a moment," she turned away, taking a few deep breaths. Tim made a 'take your time' remark, but she ignored him. The truth was, she was nervous as hell. I mean, she was about to kiss Tim 'i hate the beach' Bradford. Who on earth hates the beach?

But she pulled herself together. She turned back around and lifted her eyes to meet his. In the moment, Tim was caught by the deep pools of chocolate her eyes were, and the small, lingering smile on her lips.

"Yes, I'm ready," she said softly. Tim nodded, and leaned down, gently brushing his lips against hers, and pulled back immediately.

She opened her eyes, as Tim shrugged his shoulders in a 'how'd I do? ' sort of motion. Lucy shrugged, and said "I mean, I'm sorry, but is that it?"

Tim's shoulders dropped in annoyance. He hadn't wanted to push her or do anything wrong, and yet he had managed to screw up.

Lucy looked at Tim, how the icy blue colour of his eyes seemed warmer, gentler. She allowed her eyes to roam over his facez drinking in every detail while they were still close. She was vaguely aware of Tim saying something in the back of her head, and all of a sudden, the urge to 'show him how it's done' came over her, and she stepped forward and grabbed his neck, pulling him down to her level.

She had caught him off guard, and so he stumbled as he caught himself, reaching up to rest an hand on her shoulder. His finger brushed against the skin between her sweater and camisole strap, sending shivers down her spine. She pulled back to breathe, but Tim didn't let up. His mouth moved against hers, conveying all the words he had wanted to say but never could, and-

"Oh!" Tamara's voice broke them apart. She stood in the doorway, her eyes wide and her mouth open. Lucy pushed off Tim, taking a step away from from him.

"I should go.." Tamara gestured to herself, scuttling out, letting the door slam shut behind her.

There was a beat of silence where Lucy stared wistfully at the door, before she turned slowly, eyes wide, to look at Tim, who was stood across the couch from her.

"I-" he started, but didn't finish.

"You're my boss, my TO, you're with Ashley" Lucy whispered, her fingertips brushing her lips, eyes glazed.

Tim sighed, looking painted at Lucy's shocked face.

" Should i- should I go..?"

" No. "


HERE HERE, I was supposed to publish this when this ep first came out but I must have just not pressed publish?
Anyway enjoy

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