Chapter 13 - Under the Mistletoe

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AN not in LiF storyline

It was Christmas day, and all of the officers who weren't staying with family, or couldn't travel due to work or the long lines of traffic out of Los Angeles, were gathering at Angela and Wesley's large, manor-like house.

It wasn't just the LAPD that was here. The fire department and the lifeguards were showing up as well. Retired cops and firemen and women were also invited, though not many of them showed, as they had family to spend Christmas with.

Most arrived in pairs or groups, milling around the house, glasses of champagne held delicately in hands.

The sound of laughter and mirth rang through the usually empty spaces, and Angela couldn't help but marvel at how amazing it felt to have the sense of community inside her house. Wesley's arm was slung loosely around her waist, and he was grinning from ear to ear, happy to see Angela happy.

Baby Jackson was cradled in one of her arms, and one by one he was passed around, giggling at all the new people's cooing faces. He had just turned a year old and was beginning to gurgle words and stumble around on his tiny feet.

Keeping an eye on Jack, she chatted idly with Wes. "I swear Tim said he was gonna be here," she commented.

"Angie, it's Tim, you know he's never early to parties," he reassured.

"Plus, Lucy and John aren't here either. We both know that Lucy is probably sat in John's car right now, making him wait so that they can be 'stylishly late' together," Wesley added on. At that, Angela laughed, nodding at him.

"That's probably very true," she replied.
And then her phone began to ring.

"It's Lucy," Angela told Wesley, "hey Lucy, what's up?" She paused for a moment, listening, before nodding. "Yeah that's okay, send him my love, okay, I'll see you soon, bye Luce."

She hung up, turning to Wesley. "She said that Nolan isn't coming anymore because he's spending Christmas with Bailey and her family. It's a real shame, I was looking forward to us all being here," she said leaning into Wesley's side.

"Angela, it's okay, I mean John gets a girl and he gets to hang out with her family for Christmas," he shrugged. She nodded, leaning down to pick up baby Jack, who had made his way over to her.




Lucy sat in her car, quickly touching up her makeup. She had gone natural, opting for simple eyeliner and a slightly darker eyeshadow. Her hair was down, with two sections I'm the front tied back, and a few face framing strands around her face. She grinned into the rearview mirror, checking there was nothing in her teeth, before turning to open her door, where she almost screamed in shock to see a face staring at her through her window.

Looking closer, she saw she recognized the features, blue eyes barely visible in the dark, short, dirty blonde hair cropped close to his scalp, and a smug smile on his face. Breathing out a sigh of relief, she opened the door before he could move out the way, hitting him right in the chest with the car door.

"Tim." She greeted, aloof. But Tim didn't miss the amused twinkle in her eye.


Tim held the silence for a few moments, before Lucy breathed out a laugh. "What were you doing in my window?" She asked.

"Oh nothing Chen, I was just admiring the view," he teased.

"Jesus Bradford, and you wonder why people read too much into me being your choice of Gofer,"

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