Slow Night, So Long

Start from the beginning

I burst out of the 1st floor stairway and sprint to the front, almost running into Dr. Hunt.

"Hoy Shi-my God. You scared me. How'd you get here so fast?"

I smiled, "I ran."

He hummed, "Hmm, that's refreshing. Something new. Anyways, you're in the pit tonight. Little Grey and Avery are already there, and they'll catch you up on everything when you get down there. Page me if you need anything, just please try not too."


The ER was swamped when I got there.

I found Lexie and Avery in an ER room, just getting started on two new patients.

"Car versus train. 2 brothers, 17 and 15, tried to outrun the Coast Starlight to Portland. The train won."

Avery's patient berated himself, "I know, it was stupid, it was so stupid. I'll never do it again."

The paramedic lady continued, "The driver was inside the car, the other was thrown out. No seatbelt."

I observed the two patients, taking in their injury's.

"Dr. Avery, Dr. Solace, come take a look at this."

I joined Dr. Avery at Lexie's side; the damage to the kid was terrible. Both of his legs had been almost fully torn off, and his chest was severely burned and torn.

Jackson assessed the damage, "Call Hunt."

As much as I didn't want to take Hunt away from his fun night out, I agreed with Jackson's assessment.

"I'll call him", I offered.


I worked on the kid's legs while Owen and Lexie worked on his chest.

Owen checked up on Avery, who was working on the older boy on the other side of the curtain, "Avery, what do you have?"

"Large gaping wound to the abdomen. Looks like something sliced right through him, debris inside. We need to get in there."

Owen ordered a nurse, "Book an OR!"

"Reilly? Reilly, talk to me!" Avery's patient was yelling for his younger brother.

"Reilly, I'm right here! All right?"

Owen worked faster, "Put more pressure on that. Lean in there. Pack it, pack it!"

The boy spoke up from the other side again, rambling on, "We were gonna be late, so I ran it. Funny, right? We didn't want to get in trouble with Mom."

Beep Beep Beep Beep...

Our kid's heart monitor started beeping like crazy. Damnit. He's coding.

The boy continued, not a clue of what was happening to his younger brother on this side of the curtain, "So I... I go back to school, picking him up after band practice. We're halfway home, he forgets his stupid saxophone."

Lexie started CPR and Owen grabbed the paddles.

Owen whispers, "Two hundred. Clear."

I shut my eyes and tuned into my powers. Seconds later, my eyes opened, wide.

He has a hole in his heart!

I sprinted out of the room as fast as I could and ran to the closest storage closet. I grabbed a scalpel, gloves, and a mesh patch.

He needs open heart surgery. I need to repair the hole in his heart.

I sprinted back, gloves already on.

I heard the flatline tone, but I ignored it.

Owen called it, "Time of death, 20:48."

I ran over and immediately made an incision in the boys chest.

Owen yelled at me, "Dr. Solace! Stop right now!"

I didn't stop, "He has a hole in his heart. We just need to patch it, and then manually pump his heart until we can take him into surgery and put him on VAD."

I found the hole in his heart and carefully placed the mesh patch on it. I then wrapped my hand around his heart and started rhythmically pumping it.

Everyone was frozen. Owen opened his mouth, ready to yell at me, when the machine started beeping again.

I smiled.

I might have sent a little bit of magic into him to kickstart his heart.

I sent a mental prayer up to the Gods, Thank you.

Owen started ordering people around, "Get him to the O.R."

Avery yelled, "Dr. Hunt, we need to intubate him and get him to the OR now!"

Owen stressed, there's only one of him and two patients.

I spoke up, "Dr. Hunt, I've done open heart surgery before. I can do this."

Owen hesitated, then looked at my hands still inside the kids body, "Dr. Solace you're in charge. Grey, do what he says."

He then ran over to Avery's side of the curtain.

I jumped onto the gurney to continue pumping, "Let's go! O.R. 2, now!"


I did it. I performed open heart surgery. And he's sill alive. Somehow. He doesn't have legs, and it's gonna be a while before he leaves this hospital, but he's alive. I stood at the foot of the 15-year-old's bed, Lexie by my side.

Lexie broke the silence, "That was amazing."

I smiled, "My dad taught me everything I know."


Owen had left, giving me orders to go home and sleep. He was impressed with the skills I showed today, and I think I earned his respect.

But I don't have a bed to sleep in.

I don't have a home.

I don't even have a car.

All I have is a backpack and a duffle bag full of clothes. Everything else I owned was in a storage locker, because I have no where to put anything.

Because I don't have a home.


"What the hell are you doing sleeping down here?!"

I jumped awake, startled, groaning at the ache in my back. The cot I had been sleeping on for the past 2 days is quite uncomfortable.

I stretched, yawning as I looked at Mark standing in the doorway, "Huh?"

He asked again, "Why are you sleeping in the janitor's closet?"

I shrugged, "Arnold said I could."

Mark grunted, "No, I mean, why aren't you at home?"

I pulled out my phone and groaned, "Mark, it's 4 in the morning. Why are you here?"

"Answer my question first."

I gave in, "Fine. I don't have a home. There, you happy?"

"What about your parents?"

I sighed, "My mom's dead and my dad's been MIA my entire life. Siblings, dead too. All of my cousins are dead except two, but one lives in London and the other one lives in Hawaii... I have no one, Mark. No family, no friends, and no home."

Mark seemed to think for a moment, meanwhile, I just stared at the blank screen of my phone. Then he walked over and grabbed my two bags lying on the floor, "Come on."

I stood up, "Where?"

He continued. "Home. You're moving in with me and Callie."

I followed him out the door, "I-I don't wanna mess wi–

He interrupted me, "No buts. You are NOT staying here, it's nasty."

I thought about it for a bit on the elevator ride down, "You have to let me pay for some of the rent. And I expect to not find any dirty underwear in my sleeping area."


Skittles [Grey's Anatomy x Will Solace] ~ Book 1Where stories live. Discover now