1- Serenity

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Sana's Pov

Smiling over the large alluring fields under the soothing morning sun in spring, giving the warmest hug to myself as the cold breezes kissed my face while the birds greeted me harmonically. I could never imagine my life, living like this even for a day. These past few weeks were the most sedative spare time I got in my entire life, nobody to look, nobody indulging in my business and no one taunting and passing mean remarks, it was just like the dream times. Looking over at the fields of large grains all over and literal paradise surrounding me . The winter left this place abode a month ago and it's the cheerful month of March now, at least that's how the weather depicts, cheerful .

"What the hell are you doing there?", a great sigh escaped as I turned to look at the reality screaming at me from the back, he is back, sooner than I expected. His tall and built figure was stealing the spotlight in the broadlight. His black wavy hair dearranged manner were crowning his head, showcasing pure emotion of restlessness on his sharp facial features, he folded his arms in front, viens visible, threatening me. 

"I-I am coming, Young Master", I tried to sound bold but it won't come out in front of him, never and I know it's making me look weak but I am already feeble and mainly tired. I was to some extent comforted when he wasn't here and was going back to the ostentatious domicile he owns.

I tied the apron strips at the back as I picked up the ingredients for his brunch. I saw his reflection from the shiny cabinets of the kitchen and once he turned his face towards me, my breath hitched, my pulse rate palpitating when he dropped his unlighted cigar down, balancing on his feet and approaching me like a predator. My hold on the handles tightened when I felt his body just behind me.

"Where is the lighter god damnit!", he mumbled looking here and there while I was just standing stiff. Not moving even an inch, just to be assured that I don't brush my skin to something that I am not allowed to. 

"Have you seen my fucking lighter", he grunted lowly, rummaging the containers as I looked back, "fuck that...just give me a matchbox", he knocked one of the cabinet, making me startle on the spot, his face maybe near from me but I couldn't gauge it. I pulled my hand down, which was evidently shaking . 

I looked for the small source of his distraction and finally found it, I leaned over, not moving my feet from the position and grabbed it. "H-Here", he turned looking at me first, I could sense his stare on my bowed head, and then took his belonging from my palms. Him going  toward the hall never gave me so much peace until now. 

He never come close to me like this, never unless I break the ties of his fortitude nerve. Does he beat me? No, never.  Threaten to harm me?, every opportunity he gets....and that's why I am scared of him, just like I am scared of every other demon that came into my life.

But comparatively I am in a better place , considering my past years this was something I never expected in my life. Being abducted by  his men wasn't really a thing that piled up in my predicament, it was somehow slashed some of my worries away. He never touched me and he never will because I am just a fortune of filth in his eyes. I am relieved I am that to him or anybody else. I am no one here and I was no one before. 

 Happiness was never something I desired, peace is what I always needed since I sensed the stagnated world of mine, but never ever attained it. This place somehow brings that serendipity in my life, just meagre but I am fortunate it exists. Freedom is a word I have only read in books, seen on television and observed in birds and even if I ever dreamt about bestowing myself with it, I know that dream was long gone, faded in my reality.

My thoughts halted when I smelled the odour of the fresh tomato soup, I diligently plated it and walked towards the dining table, just next to the kitchen and quite distant from the hall. I perked my head up and peeked at him through the door gap, his legs wide apart coarsely while his spine is barely resting at the back rest and his head tweaking up for watching his shows, his fingers fidgeting with the cigarette that is about to faint into ashes.

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