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(I will be adding some other questions and stuff, I am also not quite sure if they ask these kinds of questions in these kinds of interviews lol, i also did not re-read this before publishing so sorry for the wrong grammar or spelling)

They were all interviewed one by one.

"When did you guys start dating?" The interviewer asked.

"Well, we started dating last week," Steve answered.

"Is it going well?" The interviewer asked.

"So far, it's great, thank you," Steve smiled.

"What kind of deodorant does Steve uses?"

Natasha just looks so done with these questions, "What the heck? You guys really ask those?" She asked.


"Well...he uses men's speed stick," She finally answered.

"What flavor? Musk? Alpine?"

Natasha face-palmed, so done.

"Do you think it was love at first sight?"

"A big fat no." Steve answered with a forced smile.

"Do you guys love her?"

Both Sarah and Joseph were smiling, "I loved her from the beginning," Joseph lied.

Sarah looked at him and made a "Are you serious right now?" face while Joseph shrugged.

"Which side of the bed does Natasha sleeps on?"

"Left," Steve answered smiling.

"Which side do you sleep on?"

Steve made a "Are you fucking kidding me?" look.

"Are they soulmates? Yes..." Matt answered, trying to hold his cry.

"Are you a good driver?"

"Oh, excellent driver, excellent," Natasha answered nodding.


Steve shows how Natasha drives, "bang," he said as he imitated cars crashing.


"We don't use the word Natasha around Sparky," Gammy said, covering Sparky's ears as she says Natasha's name.

"He still hasn't warmed up to her," Gammy continued.

"Natasha," Gammy said.

Sparky started barking.

"I have never farted in front of him," Natasha said.

"....Nor will I ever fart in front of him," she added.


"She farts in her sleep," Steve answered.

"Would you consider Natasha a good dancer?"

"Well, you can tell by the way she drinks her soda pop, you can tell that she's a good dancer," Quill answered.

"Uh- How is the soda pop relevant to dancing?"

"... I don't understand this," Quill admitted.

"Do you hear them banging at night?"

"WHAT THE HECK- PLEASE DONT- KILL ME RIGHT NOW-" Yelena shouted, banging her head on the table.

"Don't remind me of that, dude, I swear- I couldn't sleep and almost wanted to kill myself," Yelena said, her face on the table.

"I call him Puppy," Natasha said faking a smile.

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