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And as a gentleman, Steve opened the door for Natasha, and she smiled in return.

"Hey, Buddy!" Steve greeted Quill who turned around and smiled.

"Steve, Hey!" he greeted back.

Natasha was too busy looking at the boots.

"You got the phone that I ordered?" Steve asked him.

Quill nodded, "Yes, it came in, how are you?" he asked him as Steve walked toward the counter.

"Great, you?" Steve asked.

"Good," Quill answered and walks toward Natasha.

"Hola!" he greeted her.

Natasha looks at him, surprised and quite annoyed.

"Uh, hey," she greeted back, slowly taking steps away.

"Remember this?" he asked her as he shows her the dance move that he did back then.

"Yes, yes," Natasha said, really not wanting to reminiscence everything.

"Relax, don't do it," he started singing and dancing while Natasha just awkwardly steps back.

Steve snickers, as he grabs some stuff and puts it in the bag.

"Wonderful, wonderful, yes," Natasha keeps saying, keeps stepping back and looking at Steve for help who just smiled.

Natasha rolled her eyes, she then starts walking toward Steve, "Do you remember that?" Quill asked again and Natasha just nodded. She sighed in relief as she finally got to Steve's side while Quill continues singing.

"Well, I think that you made quite an impression on him," Steve whispered to her.

Natasha smiled bitterly, "Mhm, I think the part where I burst my tears just really bought us together," she said.

"Yeah, oh guess what," he said leaning toward the pringles that are behind Natasha, which causes Natasha to step back because of how close they are.

"What?" she asked.

"Fun fact 11 about me: I am in love with pringles," he said getting two.

"Well, who wouldn't?" Natasha asked, leaning backward as Steve get some more.

"I love coke and never Pepsi, and beef jerky," he said putting the pringles in the bag.

Natasha crosses her arms, "Well, if you turn Pepsi upside down, you'll get 'Is ded,'," Natasha said with a chuckle.

Steve looks at her, confused and scared, "What the hell?" he thought.

"Here you go," Quill said handing him the phone.

"That's all we got," he added.

"Thanks, buddy," Steve said, Quill patted his shoulder and nodded. Steve then walks away, Natasha was about to take the phone but Quill didn't let her, "I have my number here too," he told Natasha, giving it to her but every time Natasha was about to grab it, he moved his hands away.

He chuckles, Natasha starts to get really annoyed, "Bitch, give it to me," She wanted to say but she didn't want to be rude so she just smiles bitterly and Quill finally gave the phone to her.

"Thank you," Natasha said, Quill was about to pat her head but Natasha immediately dodge it and walks away, annoyed.


Steve opened the door for Natasha again and she walked out of the store, Steve wraps his arms around her, "Oh my god, I have like 100+ unread messages," she said looking at the phone.

"Shit, I need a computer, Steve, or a laptop," she said.

"Did you bring one?" he asked her, and she shook her head.

"What- I thought that you're always organized and have everything?" he asked, Natasha just rolled her eyes.


"Okay, so when it runs out, it gives you a warning," Steve told her.

"Just put in some more dimes," he said giving some to her, she looks at them, puzzled.

"Wha- what?" she asked, doesn't know how to use this stuff. She only knows how to use 'Modern' stuff. Can't blame her, she has never ever been in this kind of life, in New York, she has everything there and knows how to use every one of them.

"I don't know how to use any of these-" Natasha said looking at them.

"Well, yell if you need me," Steve said going out.

"But I do need you now," Natasha said but it was too late.

She sighed and ties her hair. "Okay, you got this, Natasha," she said to herself, she then puts in some dimes and then a sound came in, She starts to panic, she looks around for help but didn't see anyone, she didn't want to yell for Steve's help because it's starting to look like she's not independent.

The computer then opened, "Finally," she said.

-30 minutes later-

"And finally done," she said finishing her work, she then looks outside to see Sharon and Steve talking to each other, laughing and all. She didn't know what to feel about this, okay she is feeling jealous but Sharon seems nice so nothing to worry about.

The bell jingled meaning someone walked in, she turned around to see Matt.

"What now?" she asked him, crossing her arms.

"Why did you do this? Why didn't you tell us about your situation, I mean, I could've helped you but you didn't tell any of us," he said sitting in a chair next to her.

"Because Steve was the only one there, I mean he always was, you guys are all in other countries or states, or cities, I didn't want to bother Tony nor Pepper because I know that they're busy as always," she said.

"Are you in love with him?" he asked her.

"No," Natasha said, well if she's being honest, she honestly doesn't know.

"Are you sure? You're different when you're with him, Tasha, I see the way you act with him, you act the same way you were when we were together, well probably a lot different because your love for him seems to be deeper," he said.

"Where is this going again?" she asked, done with everything.


Steve and Sharon keep talking until Steve saw Natasha and Matt together, talking and how close Matt is now to Natasha. Jealousy crept upon him, "Hey, uh, I need to go and check up on her now," he told Sharon.

Sharon nodded, "Sure, I still need to help the others with cleaning the diner just near here," she said.

They bid their goodbyes and Steve walks into the building.

"Natasha, I'm just saying that-" he stopped when he noticed Steve.

"Steve," she whispered, awkward.

Damn, being in the same room with your ex and present feels completely weird and awkward.

"Is everything okay, here?" he asked.

Matt and Natasha nodded, "Yeah," Matt said.

"Okay, good, well, I will now need to be with my fiancee and have to talk about something," he said, glaring at Matt, and vice versa.

Natasha felt the tension between the two and decided to go between them. She stood and cleared her throat, "Okay, Uhm, let's go, Steve," she said walking out.

Steve nodded and walks behind her, "What were you guys doing in there?" Steve asked.

Natasha scoffed, " As if you care," Natasha said rolling her eyes.

Steve had enough, he grabbed Natasha's hand and went over somewhere private, he then pins her to the wall.

"What the hell, Steve?" Natasha said, annoyed.

"You said we need to act like girlfriend and boyfriend, so here it is," he said, Natasha was shocked at what he did next.

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