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Once they got far away, Steve had enough. "Mind telling me what happened, now?" he asked her.

"Natasha," he called her when she didn't answer him.

"NATASHA!" he shouted, scaring Natasha.

"I FORGOT, OKAY?!?!?!?" Natasha shouted back.

"You forgot what? We can go head back to New-" he was cut off by Natasha.

"No, I forgot what it is like to have a family!" she admitted.

"I've been on my own with my little sister since I was 16!" She shouted.

"My friends, Tony, and the others became distant because we all never got to talk to each other because we were all busy!" she shouted.

"I forgot what it felt like to have people love you so much that they show it to you! Yelena has always been far away from me and never really checks up on me!" she shouted, as tears starts to stream down her cheek.

Steve just looks at her, feeling pity and sadness. She continues to admit things, "And I feel like I'm going to screw everything!" she shouted.

"You're not going to screw anything, Natasha! I agreed to this, remember?" Steve argued.

"Your family loves you so much! You know that right?" she asked him, Steve just nodded.

"I KNOW THAT YES!" He shouted.

"YOU KNOW?!?!?! AND YOU'RE STILL WILLING TO PUT THEM THROUGH THIS!" Natasha exclaimed, frustrated.


"HOW DO YOU KNOW THAT?!?!?!" Natasha shouted, and more tears start to stream down her cheek.

She sniffed, "BECAUSE YOU SAID SO YOURSELF!" Steve shouted back.

"I know! but...what if you mother...." her voice cracks.

"OH MY GOD! IF YOUR MOTHER FIND OUT-" she stopped as she stands up, taking her hands off the steering wheel, as she panics.

Steve then panics, "WHOA! WHOA! WHAT THE HECK NATASHA! YOU'LL GET US KILLED!" he shouted, taking the steering wheel.

"OH MY GOD- WHAT IF GAMMY FINDS OUT!" She shouted, going to the back seats.


"STOP IT NATASHA!" Steve shouted, making Natasha shut up.

"They're not going to find out!" he shouted, not in a very loud voice anymore as they're both tired from shouting.

"She's gonna have a panic attack and- STEVE! THE BOAT!" Natasha shouted, pointing at the buoy that is on their way.

"Oh shit," he said.

He did a hard left, making Nat fall out of the boat, "STEVE!" she screamed.

"WOAH! WOAH! IT'S OKAY!" He shouted.

"Oh my god," Natasha said, freezing from the cold water.

"I DON'T THINK HIJACKING A BOAT IS A PROPER WAY TO EXPRESS YOUR FRUSTRATION!" He shouted, not noticing that Nat fell out of the boat.

"OKAY! NOW YOU'RE GONNA SHUT UP-" he stopped and turned around.

Once he didn't see Natasha, he panics. "SHIT! NATASHA?" he called her name, he then saw her trying to now drown.

"STEVE!" Natasha once screamed, getting scared.

"NATASHA!" He shouted back, turning the boat.

"I CAN'T SWIM!" she shouted. (that stupid meme is in my head T^T)

꧁𝑂𝑢𝑟 𝑈𝑛𝑒𝑥𝑝𝑒𝑐𝑡𝑒𝑑 𝐿𝑜𝑣𝑒 𝑆𝑡𝑜𝑟𝑦꧂Where stories live. Discover now