Chapter 17

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When I got down I made my way over to the living room since I'm guessing that is where they went after eating breakfast. I was correct, they were all talking in the living room. When I got in I made eye contact with Leonardo and as he was about to say something I ignored him and turned to my father.

"Hey dad, can I talk to you?" As I said that I could see all my dad and brothers faces filled with confusion and astonishment. Although my dad and older brothers quickly hid their expressions and masked it with an emotionless one.

"Sure neonata." When he got up I went to him, took him by the arm and led him to the garden. When he was sure we were alone he hugged me and wouldn't let go.

"Can you say that one more time? Please?" By that I'm guessing he meant dad.

"Dad...?" I could feel him smile as I said that. It took him a while to get over it but when he did he gave me all of his attention as we walked through the garden. He looked at me waiting for me to talk.

"Why do they care so much about my mom? I get that she hurt you guys, I'm not making them love her, I just want them to stop talking about her like I'm not there."

"I know why but that answer doesn't forgive their actions. They need to know not to bring her up anymore, I guess they can't let it go quite yet."

"What is the answer?"

"They can't seem to let go of the fact that your mother took you and I guess they don't like it when you love her and they all hate her. I'll talk to them about this and if they bring her up again it won't be just a talk. Now don't beat yourself over this and go meet your grandmother, it's been a while since she's seen you."

"Alright, thank you. By the way what are my aunts, grandparents and cousins like?"

"I'll give you a quick run down before we go back in. Your grandfather doesn't show his emotions much. The only times he has is when he's with the girls of the family. Your uncles Angelo, Salvator and Marco are like me but a little more lenient, and like your grandfather, they also have a soft spot for the girls. Your aunt Sofia though is a different story, growing up she didn't care about anything. In general she was a troublemaker and because she was your grandfather's baby girl she didn't get in trouble at all. Sofia made sure that Angela and Aurora were treated fairly and loved by the whole family. Your aunts have their own bond just like how the uncles have their own."

"It seems like all the girls of this family have the men wrapped around their fingers." I said while smiling a little. It's the first time I felt free since mom died.

"Yeah don't remind me. We are also very protective of you guys. Anyways Amara is like the older sister for Vittoria and Angelica. They spend a lot of time together and they have a bond that no one can break. As for the boys they are split three ways. You have the older ones, Luciano, Vincenzo, Luca, Leonardo, and Marcello, they formed their own group seeing as how they spend most of their time together at work. The middle, which consists of Alessandro, Alessio, Riccardo, Silvio, Salvio and Angelico, they consist of the ages 20-22. They aren't young but they don't fit in with the older ones. Lastly you have the highschoolers, which consists of Giovanni, Lorenzo, Emiliano and Niccolo. These are the youngest males of the family and also by far the biggest troublemakers. That should be all of them."

"You forgot grandma."

"Oh right, how could I forget mom. She has a very big heart and as far as I know she is the only person that doesn't completely hate your mother. She might not forgive her for what she did, but she never talked bad about her." 

"Okay I think I'm ready to go back in."

"Alright let's go." He said with a smile as we made our way back into the house.

When we opened the door all we could hear was arguments. We gave each other a confused look and headed towards the noise.

When we got to the living room all the girls were on one side while the boys were on the other.

"No you guys don't get Val for the rest of the day. It's only fair for us girls to have a chance to spend some time with our missing girl. She is a girl so she should get to know us first." Vittoria yells at the boys.

"That's not fair. We should be able to have some time with her. We all miss her." Riccardo argues back.

I looked at my dad and he just seemed amused by what was happening.

I decided to wait and see when they would recognize that I was standing there. Almost everybody else realized I was there except for those two.

My grandmother took the initiative to interrupt them.

"We are going to spend the day with her. I want to see my baby, you guys can have her another day." She said leaving no room for arguments. She came up to me and looped her arm around mine and led me to the front of the house while all the other girls followed after us.

"Before we leave wherever we plan on going, can I get my shoes?" I asked her because I was wearing slides since I went out to the yard. She paused as I said that, looked at my feet, and a look of realization hit her face when she noticed the shoes I was wearing.

"Yeah go ahead sweetie, we'll be waiting outside for you okay?" I nodded and made my way to my room.

While I was up there I got my phone and put some lip gloss on then I wore my shoes and made my way outside where, true to her words, they were waiting for me.

This day might not be so bad after all.

Sorry for the short chapter I had a writer's block and with finals, graduation and other stuff it made it harder for me to come up with something to write. Thank you for understanding and also thank you to everybody who voted on past chapters. When I see someone has voted and enjoyed my work it just encourages me more to write. :)

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