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No one's POV

"I'm sorry Mer." Derek sighs. He is holding her close in his arms while they lay in Meredith's hospital bed. Meredith has been pretty stable since the surgery and Derek is getting better by the day. He still has a pretty bad headache but other than that he is fine. 

"For what?" Meredith asks confused. 

"For everything. The crash..." He says as he stares in the distance. 

"Der... It wasn't your fault." Meredith says soothingly while stroking her hand up and down his arm. 

"Yes it was. I steered the car onto the other lane." 

"Because you wanted to dodge the crashing car in front of us" Meredith adds. "It wasn't your fault baby. You did the best you could and we are all just fine." She smiles up at him and briefly pecks his lips. 

"I guess..." Derek says with a sad face. He still feels guilty even tho he knows Meredith is right. 

"I love you Derek. I know it wasn't your fault so please don't let it get to you." 

"I'll try. I still feel guilty. If I just stepped on the breaks harder..." 

"Der..." Meredith sight, looking into his sad, tear-filled eyes. "What happened, happened. We can't change it now and we can't know what could have happened." 

"Yeah. I know Mer it's just-"

"I know you how you feel but I want you to know I don't feel the same. I love you as much, if not more, as I did before the accident and I am just glad we are all alright." 

"I love you too. So much" Derek breathes and pecks Meredith's lips again. Meredith curls up closer to Derek and buries her head in his chest. Their eyes slowly drift shut as they try to get some rest. 


Derek wakes up in the middle of the night to blaring and shrieking alarms. His eyes shoot open and he slams the light in the room on. He looks over to his girlfriend and finds her shaking and unable to breathe in her bed. Tears immediately form in his eyes and he quickly pushes the blue button above his head. He walks over to Meredith and he freezes. 

What the hell is he supposed to do? Before he know it the door flings open and a team of nurses storms in carrying a cashcard. They quickly start CPR and load the AED to shock her. Doctor Grey runs in and takes the pedals. She open Meredith's hospital gown and barks orders to the nurses. 

"Charge to 200!" 

Nothing. She shocks Meredith again and still nothing. "Charge to 300!" she barks and shocks her once again. Meredith's heartbeat slowly comes back and Dr. Grey lets out a barely noticeable sigh.

"Meredith!" Derek screams, crying. 

"Sir. I am Doctor Grey and I am going to take Meredith straight to surgery. Her stitches most likely blew which means she is bleeding internally. If she doesn't have surgery right away she could die. I will keep you posted." The doctor states strictly professional. 

"Dr. Grey? As in Ellis Grey?" Derek asks confused, wiping his tears away. 

"Yeas. I will find you after surgery" She says and rushes out the door straight to the OR. 

Derek stands there frozen and stunned. What the hell just happened? His girlfriend jus crashed right next to him and is taken back to surgery. The doctor's name was Grey. Ellis Grey. Merediths mother! What the hell is going on?!


After more than five hours the door of the hospital room finally opens. Derek had been sitting on his bed crying and looking through pictures of him and Meredith on his phone. His head shoots up as soon as the door opens and he sees Dr. Grey walking in. 

When we first met - MerDer In CollegeDonde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora