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There is a knock on my door. I go to open it and Derek is standing there in jeans and a red button-up, looking extremely handsome. "Hi" He greets me.

"Hey" I blush.

"You look beautiful" He smiles. I blush even more.

"Thank you. You don't look too bad yourself."

He smiles. "Are you ready to go?"

I nod and we walk out the door down to the party. It's a short walk so I'm able to manage it with crutches. We arrive at the house and the party has already started. People are all over the premises. It is very crowded and the music is loud. Derek leads me inside and he is instantly swarmed by people. Only then I notice how popular he actually is.

He makes way for us towards the couch. Some people stand up so he can sit and he also makes room for me. He takes my crutches off of me and I sit down. "Do you want something to drink?" He asks. I nod and give him my order before he disappears into the crowd.

I am sitting on the couch by myself. The couch is filled with people I don't know and I look around me. While I'm waiting for Derek to return with my drink I smile and have some small talk with people I met in class today. They seem nice.

Derek return with my drink and brought himself a beer. He takes place next to me on the couch and starts talking with the other people around us.

"Hey Derek. You can leave me alone if you want. Don't feel obligated to stay with me." I say. I don't want to hold him back from having a good time.

"Nonsense" He laughs. "I brought you to this party, didn't I. So expect me to hang around" He laughs.

I laugh with him and we continue to talk, drink and just having a good time. He asks me to dance and I violently shake my head. "I can't dance" I chuckle.

"Come one, I'll help you. Just lean on me and don't put pressure on your foot." He pulls me up and leads me to the dance floor. I do as he said and lean on him while he holds me up and swings us back and forth on the rhythm of the music. We laugh and dance for a while before we're both tired and go back to the couch. Derek goes to grab us another drink and I take place on the couch again.

"Here you go" He smiles and holds the cup filled with soda and alcohol in front of me.

"Thank you" I smile. I look around me but there is no place for Derek to sit.

"Here, hold my beer" He says and hands it to me. Without a warning he lifts me off the couch and sits down in my spot. He plops me onto his lap and chuckles. "Thank you" He grins. I roll my eyes but just go with it.


"Hey Derek, I'm going to go to the bathroom. I'll be right back" I say. We are still at the party having a good time. We moved outside and are now talking to some random people.

Derek nods and I walk to the bathroom. I take a seat on the toilet and take a deep breath. I haven't partied like this in a long time. It's exhausting but also very fun so I'm glad Derek invited me. I finish up and wash my hands. I am about to walk out when a guy pushes me back in.

"Hello Meredith" He grins.

"Ian...what are you doing?!" I now recognize the guy. It's Ian. Derek and I talked briefly to him at the beginning of the evening. He is a sophomore and is also on the football team just like Derek.

"Why? Don't you like it?" He smirks, pushing me up against the wall and coming closer and closer to my face.

"No! Stop" I raise my voice and try to push him off of me but he is too strong. "Get off of me!"

When we first met - MerDer In CollegeWhere stories live. Discover now