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Meredith's POV

We have been driving for ages. There is a lot of traffic on the road so in stead of the usual 6 hours we will be on the road for at least 8. Mark and Derek have been switching off driving and I have slept for at least 3 hours. Now there are only two hours left and Derek is getting more excited by the mile. Him and Mark are chatting my ears off talking about their childhood and bringing up old memories. I often have to giggle or we all laugh out loud about the stupid adventures of Mark and Derek.

"And do you remember what happened between you and Rose back in 10th grade" Mark says to Derek, laughing out loud.

"Shut up Mark" Derek says while gritting his teeth. "We don't need to relive that"

"What?" I ask excitedly. "Tell me Mark. What happened?"

"Well..." Mark starts before Derek's hand swings back and hits him on the knee.

"I mean it Mark. Shut the hell up" Derek is looking more than annoyed or embarrassed at this point.

"Fine. I'm sorry Grey you have to find this one out for yourself but I'm guessing you have your ways..." Mark smirks.

"You bet I do" I grin and look at Derek. Derek rolls his eyes at me and I giggle. "Just you wait" I say.

"Thank god we are almost there" Derek mutters under his breath.

He starts driving a little faster and before we know it we arrive at the house. Derek turns the car onto a long driveway heading to a huge house surrounded by nature. There are a lot of trees and in the distance, in the back yard, there is a big lake. There are a few cars parked in front of the house and the house is nicely decorated. The feeling of a homy family is definitely there.

"Here we are" Derek sighs.

"Yeah... Finally back home" Mark adds.

I can see the dozens of happy memories flooding back into the boys brains. Big smiles and excitement appears on their faces which relaxes me a bit. I am very nervous. Of course I have met Derek's mom before but this feels...different. Now I am stuck with Derek's family for two whole weeks! His sisters all leave after the holidays but we don't. We stay until we have to go to school again.

Stop this Meredith. You know you love Derek and... love? did I really just think that...? Anyway, it will be fine. Right?

"Come one Mer. Are you ready?" Derek pulls me out of my thoughts.

"Yes. Let's go" I smile weakly and we all get out of the car.

We grab our luggage and walk up to the front door. Derek knocks and before we know it the door opens. Derek falls into his mothers arms and so does Mark.

"My boys. It's so good to see you again." Carolyn hugs the two boys tightly and warm. She then pushes them both off of her and walks towards me with open arms.

"Meredith" She smiles widely and hugs me. I stand there, stiff. I don't know what to do. She hugs? My mom never ever hugged me... Derek senses how uncomfortable I feel so he smiles and says:

"Come on Mer. Let's bring the luggage up and I can show you my old room." He grabs our suitcases and leads us upstairs. We walk all the way to the end of the long hallway and Derek opens the last door on the right. "Here we are" He smiles.

He lets me in the room and I look around. The walls are blue, indigo not light, and there is a big bed in middle of the room against the wall the furthest away from the door. A desk and a big closet are also present. There is even an attached private bathroom. There are also various football balls and baseball bats tossed in a corner in the room. There are pictures of Derek on the wall. They are from Derek in high school. He is wearing his high school football uniform in most of them. Damn he is hot.

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