Chapter six

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The camp was silent as they threw half their food into the fire while the Hades children weren't; they were too busy talking about George's new friend, the melinox which had claimed the oldest of the threes lap as its own personal bed. George didn't mind, actually he found it adorable. Sadly as everyone sat back down the group was silenced and the reason everyone was silent spoke.

"As you all know there was a demon which has gotten into the camp, it is not due to the wall's failing." George gulped, looking up at the centaur who was the centre of everyone's attention. "The demon was displaced from its place at the 'end' of what the world has become to come and kill a certain camper or three."

Everyone looked at the three children of hades as if they had just placed the whole camp in danger. Dream just scoffed and looked at George who was uncomfortable with all the staring. "Stop staring at them, it's not their fault some god is pissed off that they're better looking at him." The masked male said he hadn't touched his food.

He wanted to stay next to George and keep him safe- for whatever reason. When the son of hades had given him a grateful smile Clay knew he had made him at least a tad but more comfortable and it made the dirty blonde proud.

The centaur had waited for the mumbling and grunting of the kids to calm down before he continued with what he was saying. He made sure his voice stretched across the entire dining area so the whole camp could hear. "The demon was killed and eaten by another, more powerful one."

People rolled their eyes and looked away, deciding not to listen since they were being told things they had seen that day. "What killed it is a breed of Volcanox." he said loudly, campers tensed and others gasped.

"Aren't Volcanox's extinct?"

"I thought they were.."

"So that demon is a fire Volcanox?"

"I don't want to be around them, they brought back a demon!"

"What's a Volcanox?" George asked softly, making everyone freeze.

Scarlett smiled "Most of the campers here don't know what one is either so don't worry." she whispered into George's ear before raising her voice a bit to let everyone hear her.. She was called a nerd here for knowing this information.

"A Volcanox is a manticore-like creature with large bone wings, a scorpion tail and the body of a lion. But of course there's different breeds of Volcanox or subspecies which have different names and have the main body of different creatures. The main abilities which you can find in almost every one of them are these." she took a breath to make it more dramatic.

"First we have the fact that they normally drain the blood of their victims out with their scorpion-like tail." she said it so sweetly and casually you might just be terrified of her, most campers cringed at the thought of their blood being taken out of them with that big of a tail and used for who knows what. "With that comes the second one, the tail stores the blood and turns it into poison which it uses to kill the next creature or person."

It's funny how she knows all this, even the god which was sat a fair ways away looked scared, Charion was biting his lip, waiting for her to continue on with spitting out facts.

"Most of them can breathe fire like a dragon but then again they control every element of the land so it's a bit hard to only control the one, it also depends on what subspecies it is so they can breathe any element with the intent to kill and it will." she said softly, playing with her knife. She sure as hell is scary George decides; but he doesn't mind it, it finds it another reason to love his sister, wiredly.

Scarlett doesn't seem like she's done yet. "That is only the very tip of the iceberg." she nodded and smiled "they're able to shapeshift into a human form or to look like a normal animal, their claws/talons can cut through anything much like how their teeth can crush demon bones." She had a giddy smile on her face while she spoke.

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