Dear me

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Dear me,

I'm writing to myself again, isn't it funny?

Thinking it would all be over, that life would end before everyone around me would even notice.

Then I wake up in a random camp filled to the brim with teenagers, kids and young adults it feels like i've been given another chance, something most people don't get or won't get after they're shoved into the real world where its fact that no one loves you, that your worthless mainly to the people who loved you most until you have money, a family and a good place to live.

That's the only time they want to see you again.

Or at least for me it was and still is, I bet my mother never noticed my disappearance or anything that night. I woke up here and found out I'm the son of Hades, the Greek god of the underworld and riches. I have two siblings and they seem to adore me.

I've met this guy who I'm going to call Smile due to his mask. He hides his face behind it, he wears it to hide from everyone and himself. From what I could tell, I'm pretty sure he has a god complex mixed in with a hero complex in the middle and maybe he has a thing for tying people up with ropes and chains then beating the shit out of them.

I don't know, he just seems like he's that type of guy.

I'ts amusing how my life changed when I randomly passed out in the middle of a road from exhaustion, maybe I died and I'm finally being gifted some sort of escape from the world which I came from, maybe I'm in a coma but either way i'm happy with the way things are happening here, day one was eventful but i'm sure the rest of my time here won't be as eventful.

Or maybe it will be but we'll never know.

George Davidson

Saturday 14th


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