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George Davidson arrived at camp-half blood at four am on Friday the 13th, he was passed out and on the back of a melinox which hades had provided to carry the boy, it also came holding three boxes which won't be opened until later on in the weeks to come. George is a nineteen year old male who has never picked a fight or tried to harm anyone, he was a kids, sweet person who has a soft spot for cats.

Hades had brought George to this camp without his knowing, waking up there was quite the surprise and then the overload of information just killed his brain, it ruined his mind and broke it apart before putting it back together. George is no longer an only child but his life -according to hades letter- is in grave danger.

The god has no idea who is after his kids and has made sure all three are there, planning on joining the new thing where the parent's of the children in the cabins show up to spend a day with their kids. He planned on bringing his wife who had watched the kids grow and fell in love with them, saying 'even if another woman gave birth to them, they're still my kids'. 

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