Chapter 3

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"Storm! Please make your way downstairs ASAP" Storm's Mother, Muun called to her.

"On my way!" Storm grabbed her purse and walking stick and made her way out of the now empty room. She will be finally going to the school of her dreams. She is slightly excited but also sad that she has to pretend to be someone she is not. She is the only living Fire Dragon Divinity. Her mother wants to keep her as safe as possible. So she must down play herself just so she can stay below the radar of her abusive father.

She will do anything to keep her family safe. To the point of lying to the most prestigious school ever.

Time Skip.

Storm made her way up the stairs of the school, after saying goodbye to her mother. There was now a lot of people at the school at this point. She tried to maneuver herself around everyone and successfully made it to the office.

"Hello, My name is Storm Marie Rose. I've come to get my keys to my room and my schedule."

The woman at the desk took one look and the 4'5, frost over glossy eyed girl and scoffed.

"How old are you? And how can you be here if you can even see?"

"I'm 23 and although I can't see, I know that you have been chewing the same spearmint orbit gum and have not changed it for three hours. You have a habit of fixing your broken rolling chair because you have done it 3 times since I have walked in.
You use half a can or a whole can of hairspray to keep your huge dyed hair in an outrageous updo. You are wearing an overly tight short skirt because you have adjusted it 4 times. May I please have my key and schedule now?" Storm put her small hand out.

"Y-yes ma'am" The woman hands over the items and Storm leaves.

"What a self-absorbed bitch" Storm mumbled to herself. She walks forward and tries to listen to the noises around her to get her directions correct. Once she was going the right way. She was hoping to ask someone to help her to her room. She was rejected a lot until she was approached by a person with a nice deep voice.

"Hey, I wouldn't mind helping you."

"Oh thank you so much." She smiled in the direction of the voice.

"My name is Regie. What's yours, beautiful?"

Storm blushed a bit.

"Storm. Thanks for helping me."

"Of course. I remember when I moved here from the Philippines, And this group of guys helped me. Now, they are like my blood brothers. I've never let someone be lost. It's my only way to repay them. Especially a sweet, strong lamb as yourself. Seeing as you are a level 4 Gold divinity. Just like my brother,Ryan"

"Well thanks for adding strong in there."

"Of course. Come, Beautiful Storm. Let's get you to your room. Let me hold your bag"

"Why thank you Kind sir'

"The pleasure in ALL mine"

They both laugh and then talk a bit more as the get to her room.

"That's cool that they built this room just for you. Do you mind if I come in and check it out? "

"Not at all Regie. Please come in"

Regie unlocked the door and held it open for her. Her key for her room was a card.

"Holy Shit. This room is sick!"

"Thanks Reg! Go ahead ask it to do something."

"Stem. This is my friend Regie Macalino. Please treat him and any of my other announced friends af if you would treat me"

"Yes, Madam Storm. Welcome Sir Macalino. How would you like me to serve you today?'

"Can I have some water?" Regie said in more of a questioning tone.

"As you wish Sir Macalino."

After about 15 second and robot with a tray brought out the water to him.

"oh fuck! Now this is dope as hell. I mean it sucks that you can't enjoy sight like the rest but this is cool."

"I shall agree. It comes with its pros, I'd say."

Regie finished his water and the walks to Storm.

"Well, I'm off,  beautiful. So you can rest up. See you soon"

And Just like the, Storm is alone.

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⏰ Last updated: May 28, 2022 ⏰

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