Chapter 1

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Ryan stood outside of the college. His family is already gone not caring what happens to him now. As long as he was away from them they could care less. Ryan hoped so at least. He looked up at the building and sighed.

'well, here will be a fresh start'

Just when Ryan had that come to his mind someone jumped on his back.

"Ay Yo! Ryan my boy, what good!" Without even looking he knew who the person was.

"Hey Derren," He wraps an arm around his shoulders and rubs his knuckles in his head, " What have you been up to all summer!"

Once let go, Derren fixed his hair, then looking at the ground he responds "N-nothing mu-much, just cleaning and chilling around"

"What have I told you about looking at the ground? Look up bro."

Derren looks up and rubs the back of his head with a nervous smile. Then Derren's phones rings

It was silent for a bit as Ryan stared at his friend. Not hearing a word he is saying while Derren talked on the phone.

"You know," Ryan pauses, "I envy the fact that you are Pink Divinity"

"WHAT! Why would you envy that?  It's tough enough being a guy with this Divinity, but trying to have your adopted brother be treated better because he is a higher rank and stronger than you."

"You compare yourself to someone that is not even your competitor. He is not better than you, I know that, and he knows that as well. You need more confidence in yourself.
You will be the one healing his ass if he gets injured anyways. It's people like me and him who need people like you. Not the other way around." Ryan says, giving Derren a pat on the shoulder.  

"Thanks my kind friend," Derren kindly pushes Ryan's hand away, "But you are forgetting that from Purple Divinity and upwards you can heal yourselves"

"True but it takes up 85% of our energy and takes too long. If we are fighting we don't have 30 min. to an hour or more to heal. So again we need yuh. and- AHHH" Ryan holds his head as a sharp pain shoots through his brain.

"RYAN!" Derren yells as he grabs his friends. He places a spreaded pam on the back of Ryan's head. From the base of his skull upwards, his hand glowing a pale pink. The color brightens the more power he has to put into helping Ryan's pain go away.  The brighter the color got the darker, the glow covering Derren's whole body. it got till a loud blast of pink and purple waves pushed them apart and sent them flying.

As they  both try to recover from the blast, they hear footsteps running to them.

"What. The. Actual. Fuck was that" Their friend Sebastian says as he goes to help Derren up, who is holding his head in pain. Oliver, Sebastian's twin brother, helps Ryan up.

"I-I don't know. Damn Ryan, your headaches are getting worse."  Derren says, as he is still holding his head. Since Derren can heal people quickly by taking away their pain from just a touch. Normally it would go away in a few seconds, but this one is lingering a bit.

"Derren was that blast from you!?" You hear his brother, Justin, ask and he checks on him.  "Are you okay?"

"Yeah. But Ryan, you really need to get these headaches checked out."

"I thought you said, this summer, they stopped" Regie, another friend of Ryan, said looking at him in confusion.

"I just said that so you would stop going easy on me when we would spar together. You were fighting like a pussy for two weeks. and it was looking bad when my father watched. I was helping your pride and ego. Since my father has so much respect for you. Even though you lose every time." Regie pushed Ryan slightly.

"Derren, Bud are you good?" Ryan says as he walks up to his long time friend.

"Yeah. It's going away now."

"Two minutes. That's the longest ever. You need to do more healing training." Justin says, rubbing his brothers back for comfort.

"What was that purple light though?"  Sebastian says looking at Justin

Derren raised his hand and everyone looked at him confused.

"I don't know what it was either so don't ask" Derren picked up his backpack and walked to the entrance of the college.

They all followed behind them to see Kane and Tyler already there. Getting their dorm keys.

"Hey guys!" Kane waved when he looked up and saw them approaching them.

Tyler looks at Derren and sees that he has a nosebleed.

"Hey  Derry! your nose! What happened?" Everyone turned to look at him to see that he looked tired and seemed off balance.

"I'm fine. Just a bit ti-" Derren passed out to the floor

"DERREN!" Justin yelled as he ran to his brother and tried to shake him.

"Justin, hold on, don't shake him. He could be tired from helping out Ryan earlier. Let's get him to the nurse or his dorm." Oliver said. Ryan picked Derren as if he weighed as light as a feather and ran to the main office door. He took a quick look at the map  of the campus and found where the nurses office was. He then ran quickly.

The boys ran in giving the nurse a fright.

"What are you young men doing in he-" Before she can finish her sentence she can see a passed out man in Ryan's arms. She calmed down her breathing and heart rate.

"What are you young men doing running in here and scaring that living hell out of a poor old woman like myself" The nurse let the hand that was placed on her chest fall to her side.

"What happened to him?"

"He is Pink Divinity and he was healing one of my migraines. and it seems that it took alot of his power. I think he is tired out." Ryan says, still carrying the lightweight man. He is a bit concerned because his best friend is a bit too light for his liking.

"He looks more than just tired out. Come, lay him on the bed."  Ryan quickly does as he is told and is about to back away, when Derren's hand holds his.

Ryan looks down with a frown and worrisome look.

"hurts" His friends since diapers mumbles out in his sleep.

Ryan crouches down so he is level to Derren.

"What's going on with him?" Ryan thought to himself.

"You two must be close" The nurse said, moving her eyebrows up and down. Hoping for a gay senario.

"We both are straighter than the flag pole outside. Nothing to gossip  here." Ryan didn't even give it a second thought.

"Well anyways," The nurse said bummed out, "Let me look him over."

"Ma'am can you check his stomach as well, he was holding it when he collapsed" Justin said as he crouched next to Ryan.

"And who are you to him?"

"I'm his brother."

"And the rest of you?"

"Let's just say we are all family to this dork here" Sebastian said as he leaned on the door with his arms crossed and a concerned frown on his handsome face.

"Well arin't you a bunch of handsome young men." The nurse made small talk just to ease that sweet looking young boy's friends as she looked over him.

"Never in all of my decades have I seen such a beautiful group of men." She lifted Derren's shirt and gasped.

"What. In. The. Actual. Fuck. Is That?" Justin said looking at the odd symbol that is now on his younger brother's belly.

"You mean to tell me, you don't know what this is?" The Nurse said looking at all the men in shock

"I'm afraid not ma'am" Ryan said confused as to what it could mean. No Pink Divinity has ever had a mark such as this.

"Are you sure he is just Pink Divinity?"

All of the boys nodded.

"This young boy here is more special than you think."

Divinities: Gold Orb (Book 1)Where stories live. Discover now