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Ryan lazily makes his way out of bed, but not too lazy. He knew that his father was expecting him to be in the back of the house for training in 10 minutes. Then he has to pack his things for college. There was a strict schedule he must stick to but soon he will be living in the dorms of the prestigious college West Rose University. He will be rid of his father and his mother who likes to get him in trouble at every chance she gets. 

    Putting on his training clothes, Ryan makes his way down the stairs to the living. He makes the same step he does everyday: a straight walk from the stairs out to the backyard where there was a stone slab. Where his father stood with a red glowing ball with gold in the middle. 

“Morning son, It is your last day of training with me. So you must train hard,” In the middle of him speaking he loosened his grip on the ball and let it float towards Ryan with a slight lift of his hand. Ryan let his hand come from  behind his back and lay flat as the ball floated above it. 

“This is the Gold Crimson. I am finally giving it to you. It is now time to pass it on to you. Since you are the only one in the family to hold the secret power of the royal family. I have no faith in such a worthless weakling like you! Seeing as I have no other choice, since this is the way of our forefathers, I release ownership to you. As this is your birthright.”

    Ryan just nodded as he kept his head low. He has learned from many black eyes and  broken bones that he must never look his father in the eye for too long. 

“I, Ryan Nguyen, take the Gold Crimson into my grasp to continue the honor and path of those before me. As a descendant of the royal family and the gifted one, I shall carry the name with a fearless mind and an unbreakable spirit.” Ryan looked at his father as he spoke these words and closed his eyes as he took a deep breath. It was almost as if you could see the breath of wind being taken into his lungs. He grips the orb and holds it to his chest, absorbing it into himself.

    His eyes glow bright gold with red around the rim and Ryan feels a rush of power go through him. As if he could gain more power than he already had.
There was a small smirk on his fathers face, but it went so quick that Ryan must have mistaken it. His father turned to him, nodding to him. 

“Now you are really ready to fight.”

the orb

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the orb

Divinities: Gold Orb (Book 1)Where stories live. Discover now