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Start from the beginning

"How will I know that I won't get killed if I let you go?" I asked Hange trying to keep my calm. I could tell Hange saw through me.

"If we talk i could take you back home you won't see none of us again." Hange said again holding my hand and trying to remove it from them. I look at the others and slowly let go of their collar.

Hange hints me to give them the Knife to which I cautiously do.

"Tie her up" I hear Hange say. I try to run but Hange gets a grab on me. I try to tug away but only to be handcuffed and tied by the legs. Unable to move I just wiggle on Hanges grasp.

"You sure don't give up" I hear Hange laugh as they keep a hand on me.

I feel a punch on the back of my neck quickly making my version blurry.


I wake up to be tied down on a chair and back into the same room I was once. This time Three people were standing in front of me. One was a blond guy standing besides the short guy and Hange sitting on a chair.

"Looks like she's up" The short guy said as he pointed at me. Hange looked to me and got up they began to walk towards me while dragging the chair. Not so long after they placed the chair a few inches away from me and sat on it.

"You're a clever one aren't you" Hange said with a amazed tone as they examined me with a smile. I remained silent unsure of what to say.

"Say what's your name?" Hange asked. I was pretty hesitant before responding to them.


"What a pretty name" Hange complimented. I just nodded and said nothing.

"Well, what were you doing out of the walls? You look too young to be out there" Hange asked me. Was this a interrogation?

"The what?" I asked Hange confused still waking up. And I was only 16

"The walls? What are you doing out of them?" Hange repeated to me.

"Hange she's clearly acting stupid." The short guy said.

"What are you talking about? I was arrested by your people and now I'm in a laboratory, are you guys going to do test on me?" I asked them more scared of what they'll do to me in this room. I'm no Titian shifter so what will they test?

"Arrested? No we found you outside unconscious." Hange clarified. Both of the guys in the back gave no expression and the blond guy hasn't spoken once.

"No your people arrested me and many of others then they ripped out their fingers you forgot? Are you Marleyans that dense?" I said now getting irritated by Hange.

"Your fingers are still attached" The short guy said not believing what I said.

"That's because I was the youngest one there you guys said not to." I argued back.

"This kid is full of shit" The short guy said walking out.

"Levi wait I found this on her maybe she can explain this." Hange said as they pulled my armband.

"What is this?" Hange asked as they waved it around me.

"That's my armband" I said as I looked at it. Are they taking that now?

𝗧𝗵𝗲 𝗣𝗲𝗿𝗳𝗲𝗰𝘁 𝗚𝗶𝗿𝗹Where stories live. Discover now