Surprise Date

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You and Wanda have been dating for almost 8 months and have known each other for about a year. Wanda has been going on a lot of long missions lately and you miss her a lot. You would sometimes see her when she got back, but she often returns in the middle of the night while you're asleep or she goes to take a shower and then goes straight to bed to prepare for her next mission. You missed getting to spend time with her and in those few moments in between missions that you did, she expressed how she missed you too and wished that she and her powers weren't needed all the time. After about 2 months of what seemed like non-stop missions, she's finally getting a break. You decide to set up a simple date for the two of you to catch up with each other, to laugh together, to cuddle, but most importantly to just enjoy the other's presence.
a/n: assume you're both legally of age to drink I guess lolol

[Avengers compound, 8:47 PM]

You were setting up for your surprise date with Wanda as she was on her way home and would be there in about an hour. You decided to wear some comfy cozy clothes, knowing that Wanda would be wearing the same because she always does after missions. You figured that she'd be hungry after working so hard, so including food was a must. You chose to prepare a decently large charcuterie board, accompanied by two glasses and a bottle of rosé and got a few episodes from season 6 of Friends picked out to play as background noise and for you to cuddle up together on your bed and watch.

An hour has gone by and she still isn't home, but it gives you more time to add some decorations. You grab some fairy lights that you saw in storage once and after getting Tony's permission, you take them up to your room, hang them behind your bed and plug them in. You grab a vase of flowers from the living room area of the compound, change the water and place them on your nightstand, taking one out as you plan to give it to her when she arrives.

You eventually go to the main room and wait for Wanda's arrival. "Any minute now," you think to yourself. Suddenly you hear the elevator doors open and footsteps follow. Wanda walks out, a little roughed up, not showing signs of injury, but definitely tired. You walk up to her with the flower in hand. She sees you coming her way and she smiles, her smile growing bigger when she notices the flower. "Hi. I missed you," you say. "I missed you too." You hand her the flower, she gives it a sniff and pulls you into a big hug. She may be tired, but her arms are wrapped around you pretty tight, missing your warmth and getting to hold you after so many missions. She holds you in silence for a bit and the others move to a different room to give you privacy. All of a sudden, she lifts you off the ground and spins you around making you shriek and giggle with joy. She lowers you back down and leans in for a kiss long overdue. Your lips stay connected for a while, only pulling apart at the last second when you both need air. She gently rubbed her nose against yours, which was now all scrunched up causing both of you to smile.

"All I want to do is stay here holding you, y/n, but I really need to go shower."
"Alrighty, but don't take too long, I have a surprise for you."
"A surprise?"
"Mhm. I'll be waiting for you outside your room. Dress comfy."
You smile and peck her lips.

Wanda goes to shower and while she's in there, you grab the board you prepared from the fridge and carefully take it up to your room. You then head back to the kitchen and grab the bottle of rosé, which you chilled in the freezer for just under half an hour, and carry that upstairs along with a few coasters to not leave water rings on your nightstand.

You hear the water from Wanda's shower stop, so you go and wait outside her bedroom door, just like you said you would. You hear the sink go on and off a few times, you hear the hair dryer, then finally, you hear footsteps approaching the door. She opens it to find you standing there with a gentle smile on your face. "So, what's the surprise?" "Come with me." You go to hold her hand and your fingers interlace fitting perfectly into one another as you lead her down the hall to your room.

You open the door and you look over to Wanda, her eyes shimming from the fairy lights as she stares in amazement at the date you've set up for her. "Surprise."

The room is lit up by the fairy lights, the faint light emitting from your TV, and the moonlight shining in through the window. The board sits on the bed and the rosé with the two glasses is situated on your nightstand ready for you both to enjoy.

Wanda turns to you after taking in the ambience, the decor, the food and all of your effort to give her such a wonderful surprise date. She cups your face with one hand and says, "I love you." You tuck some of her hair behind her ear. "I love you too." She brings her other hand to your cheek and pulls you into a deep kiss.

You both spend the rest of the night on your bed eating, drinking, talking, laughing and watching Friends. It felt so amazing to finally spend some quality time with your girlfriend and you know she was happy to be with you too.

You remove the now empty board from the bed and Wanda lays on top of you with her back on your chest. You draw circles on her stomach as Friends continues to play. She soon lets out a yawn and turns her body so her chest is now against yours and her head rests on your shoulder. You turn off the TV and gently play with her hair as you feel her start to drift off. "Goodnight, my love," you say placing a kiss on her head and pulling up the covers over both of you. Wanda softly replies, "goodnight, and thank you, for everything." She gently squeezes you trying to mimic a hug. "Anything for you, Wanda. Always."

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