Taking Care of You

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You and a few other Avengers have recently returned from a brutal mission. A bullet ended up in your dominant arm and it hurts like hell. The wound was pretty deep and you can't really use or move your arm.

Your girlfriend anxiously awaits your arrival at the compound as you've been on a mission for the past few days.

You walk into the main room with your arm all wrapped up. Wanda heads towards you with a concerned look on her face and hugs you saying, "oh my goodness. Baby, what happened?" You hug her back with your one good arm and answer, "Let's just say bullet: one, y/n: zero." "Are you okay?" "I will be." With that, she kisses your lips and she gently kisses your arm then takes you to your room to help get you changed.

The next two weeks are hard as your arm is in a lot of pain, but Wanda takes such great care of you that it makes the pain easier to bear. She goes above and beyond and helps you with everything.

She helps you get dressed in the morning and at night.

She watches and attempts to hide her laughter as you struggle to brush your teeth with your other arm. This sometimes makes you laugh, spewing toothpaste all over the mirror.

She makes sure you stay hydrated by bringing you water and Powerade throughout the day.

She makes and brings you food, helping you eat it when needed.

She gives you tiny kisses all over your face which give you butterflies.

She takes walks with you around the compound to keep your body moving.

She goes to the store to buy you your favourite candies, chocolates and desserts.

She tells you to rest while the others are training.

She eventually helps you do some training when Dr. Banner says you can.

She buys you a stuffed animal for you to hold when she's not with you.

She lets you wear her favourite hoodie to keep you warm. 

She lays in bed with you as you watch episodes of your favourite TV show to pass the time.

She washes your hair for you in the shower.

She helps re-wrap your wound up every so often as needed.

She holds you until you both doze off into a peaceful sleep.
a/n: no idea what actually happens when you get a bullet in the arm, but uh, hope y'all thought this was kinda cute or sumn 😅

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