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[Avengers compound]

You sneak up behind Wanda, who's starting to make pancakes for breakfast, and quickly hug her from behind. She jumps at the touch, still not used to your spontaneity after just over a month of dating, but quickly recognizes your grasp and leans back into you. "Good morning, sweets," you say and kiss her cheek. "Morning, hun. How'd you sleep?" She slowly starts to mix the pancake batter as you respond, "pretty good. You?" "Okay, I guess. I don't feel like I got much." You rotate so you're side is leaning against the counter and you turn Wanda to face you. "Is everything alright, baby?" She looks down and starts playing with the end of her sleeves that are covering her palms. You slowly bring your hand to her chin and lift it so her eyes can meet yours. "You don't have to talk if you don't want to, but if you do, I'm here to listen and I'm here for support, okay?" She nods and a smile creeps up on her lips. You smile back and peck her forehead.

You offer to help her make breakfast, which she accepts. She puts you in charge of cutting up fruit and arranging it onto a large plate. Not all of the team is present due to an early mission requiring a good chunk of you guys, including Thor, so you don't need to cut up an insane amount of fruit. You start your slicing and dicing and Wanda starts to cook the pancakes.

You've covered about half the plate when out of nowhere Wanda asks, "Y/n, are you scared of me?" You pause, lower the knife, and turn to face her only to see her back as she continues to work on her pancakes. "Wanda I-" "Like do you think I'm dangerous or... a hazard?" "Of course not, Wands," you lightly place a hand on her shoulder before continuing, "I feel safe with you." You move forward so you're standing beside her now. "I don't think you're dangerous or, or a hazard. You are neither of those things. Why... why do you think I would see you that way?" She looks up at you then back down to the pan, flipping the last pancake. "Well if you did, you wouldn't be the only one who sees me like that, so I, I thought I'd ask." "Who... who sees you like that, Wanda? Is it someone living in the compound? 'Cause I'll give 'em a piece of my mi-" She quickly turns off the stove element. "It's me." She pauses and faces you. "I see myself as dangerous and hazardous and troubling and unstable and I'm scared and, and ashamed of my powers and I don't understand how you don't s-see me the same w-way." She starts to sob on her last few words and buries her face into your shirt and you automatically wrap your arms around her and hold her tight. She continues to sob in your embrace while her arms stay down by her sides. "Oh, my Wands." You kiss her head.

Her sobs lessen and her breathing begins to even out, but it's still not deep. She pulls away from you looking down. She brings her hand up to her nose and whispers, "I'm sorry." "You have nothing to apologize for, baby. I promise you." "Well, I've ruined your shirt." "I can wash it later." "Well..." She sniffles. "Wands, can you look at me?" Her gaze rises with hesitancy, but it goes soft when she finally meets your eyes. "You have nothing to be ashamed of. Your powers, you, are remarkable. You are strong, you are brave, you are resilient, and you're also a hard worker and a great learner. It may feel like you maybe aren't in control of your powers, not yet, and it may feel kinda scary with the uncertainty of them, but you will overcome those feelings, I know you will. You will learn and work hard to understand your powers. You will be resilient when things get tough. You will be brave when you face an enemy. You will be strong when you practice and grow with your powers. You will be remarkable when you accept that you are one with your powers and I will be with you every step of the way, if you'll let me, for whatever you need me for. I'm here for you, Wanda. All of you."

You place your hands out in front of you, hoping that she'll place her hands in yours. She looks down at your hands, then up at you. You nod and she looks back down and her hands slowly, wearily make their way into yours. You gently rub your thumb over her knuckles and the tension in her body subsides. You bring one of her hands up to your face. You gently kiss every finger, the back of her hand, then flip it over to kiss her palm and you place her hand on your shoulder. You do the exact same thing with the other hand, pressing your lips against her soft skin and placing her hand on your other shoulder. Your hands rest on her waist as you look into her eyes and they lock. "I am not scared of you, Wanda. I... I love you." She moves her hands from your shoulders to the back of your neck to kiss you. Kiss you passionately with gratitude, and warmth, and sweetness, and tenderness, and love. She pulls away, having said everything in that kiss that she couldn't put into words, but she does say one thing, "I love you too."
a/n: hiii! I hope you guys are doing good :)
if not, here's a virtual hug if you want 🫂 <3

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