The Nightmare

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Pietro is alive in this universe and the battle in Sokovia with Ultron didn't happen, but it's kinda set in 2015, the year doesn't matter too much though.

[Avengers compound, your shared bedroom with Wanda]

You've been having trouble falling asleep lately due to it being too hot in your room, but Wanda likes the warmth, so you don't bother messing with the thermostat. You glance over to the clock on your bedside table. [3:16 AM] it reads. You turn your body the other way and gently wrap your arm over Wanda, who's fast asleep.

You notice her start to stir, so you kiss her head and hold her a little tighter. She starts to move a bit more, almost squirming in her position. You let go of her and move back just a bit to avoid her hitting you, more for her sake though because she'll feel really bad for hitting you in her sleep whereas you don't really care.

You assume she's having a nightmare, so you start to slip out of bed to go get her some water as you've done that when she's had nightmares in the past, but she suddenly stops moving. The supposed nightmare seeming to calm down. You slowly get back into bed and go to put your arm around her again, but she abruptly sits up, screaming, with magic flowing out of her hands and encasing your room, making various objects levitate, including you.

The screaming stops. You fall back onto the bed next to Wanda, who has her head in her hands, her breath shaky as tears stream down her face. You wrap your arms around Wanda and hold her tight. "You're safe. I got you." You kiss her head. "It's okay, Wands. It was just a nightmare. You're safe, I promise." She continues to sob in your arms.

"I got you, Wands. I'm right here. It was just a nightmare, it wasn't real." "But it felt real," She finally responds while lifting her head to look at you, her eyes a dark red, instead of green. "What do you mean?" "It- it just- it felt real. Like it actually happened." You nod your head, following along with her words. "Okay, Wands. Take a few deep breaths with me, okay? In... and out..." Her breathing steadies and her dark red eyes fade back into a glistening green, but she still seems shaken up. "Wait here, I'm gonna go get you some water." You kiss her head and head to the kitchen.

Wanda turns on the lamp beside the bed and takes in her surroundings, seeing a few objects all scattered on the floor, not exactly sure how they got there or why. She slowly starts to put things back with her powers, but her hands are shaky and she almost drops a few items.

You enter the room with a glass of water and a small plate of cookies. You give Wanda the glass of water and place the plate on your nightstand. She sips the water and drinks about half of the glass. She places it on her table, turns back to you, and says, "thank you, y/n." "No problem, my love." She nuzzles her head under your arm and you pull her onto your chest as you sit back against the headboard, adjusting the pillows to make it more comfortable.

"Do you wanna talk about it?" "I don't know. I don't think I've really wrapped my head around it yet." "Well whatever you decide, I'm here for you."

She traces her finger around your hands and arms as you both sit in silence, but she breaks it by asking, "can I have a cookie?" "Of course, hun." You reach over to the plate and grab two cookies, one for her and one for you. You both munch away, not caring about the crumbs being left on your shirt and bed.

She finishes her cookie and starts, "we were fighting this army of robots. Not just us two, all of the Avengers. We were back in Sokovia. We were killing them left, right and center. It seemed like there were endless amounts of them, yet it felt like we were winning. The robots around us were all dead, but apparently, there were more and I was left to protect this large metal key-looking thing and prevent the big robot boss from getting to it."

She takes a deep breath knowing the hardest part of her nightmare is unspoken. "It's okay, my love. Take your time." "A few other robots had flown by and I had taken them all out, but all of a sudden I felt something, like a- a part of me was missing and then it hit me. One of the-" Her voice breaks. You rub your thumb over her hand and kiss her head to comfort her. She begins again, "one of the robots, the boss one I presume, had just- h- had just k- killed Pietro." Her last two words barely escaped her mouth as a whisper as tears threatened her eyes. "I f- felt his presence gone. He H-He was dead," she pauses. "Then I woke up."

Tears started to fall from her eyes and she buries herself into you as you wrapped your arms around her, holding her close. With her head on your chest, she listens to your heartbeat and it starts to calm her down.

Her breathing evens out, her tears stop and her eyes fall heavy with all of her weight on you. "Go to sleep, my love. You're safe with me," you say then gently kiss the top of her head, turn off the lamp, and pull the covers over both of you as you drift off and sleep with Wanda in your arms.

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