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Cabin 11 was quiet and empty, which was unusually strange for the otherwise cramped and loud cabin. All of its residents had run out in a hurry, calling out for Chiron and medics from the Apollo cabin. All of them except you.

You laid asleep in your bed, drowning in a cold sweat. It was now past noon and you had been asleep for most of the morning. No one bothered you during your rest, most of them assuming you had finally used up all your energy and your body was taking advantage. The only one who found your behavior odd was Nico. He was growing anxious about you sleeping the day away. Previously, you had told him you were an early riser, but when he first woke up, excited to spend another day with you, he was surprised to find you passed out in bed.

He thought little of it the first time, deciding to let you rest and instead hang out with some of the other campers. Eventually, an hour passed and when he popped in to check on you, there you were with your eyes shut and steady breaths. A frown grew on his face, but the calls of the Stolls had directed his attention elsewhere and he was gone.

After playing mythomagic against Travis (and absolutely wrecking him), another 2 hours went by, and, again, he went to check on you. This time your body was so still, Nico almost assumed you were dead, but something told him that wasn't right. He'd know if you were.

He brushed it off and although he was still on edge; he didn't want to wake you and instead gently raised your head to fix the pillow that was sliding out from under you. Before he left the cabin, he gave you a worried glance.

It was now 2:45, and you were still asleep. After he had left you the last time, he had wandered around camp, getting to know the areas he hadn't seen before. During his tour, he had bumped into Drew, who had dragged him to the Aphrodite cabin for a fitting.

Now, as he watched Drew fiddle with the zipper on his jacket, he brought up his worry for you.

"Are you sure that Y/n sleeping in this long is okay?"

Drew groaned as she finished zipping up the jacket. "Nico, this is the 9th time you've asked me this."

"I know but," He sighed, anxiously looking off to the side. "Something's not right."

She waved him off, turning him around to analyze the back of the jacket. "This is a good thing. The amount of energy he has can power a nuclear power plant. Believe me, we all needed this break."

Nico frowned. Was he being dramatic? Bianca did always tell him he had a tendency to overplay things, but this wasn't the same. It was like something was urging him to be worried about you, telling him you were losing some type of battle. His mind yelling 'Wee woo, Emergency, Y/n down.'

Turning his head to face Drew, he knitted his brows. "But what if he's not okay? What if he's in danger-"

"Nico!" Drew interrupted, placing her hands on his shoulders and turning his body back around. "Y/n is okay. He's having a sleeping beauty moment." She snickered. "Maybe if we wait a couple of years, we could see a prince storming through camp to kiss him awake."

Nico felt his cheeks heat ‌at her words and suddenly his shoes became the most interesting thing in the world. When he peaked up at Drew, his eyes immediately shot down again after noticing the questioning look on her face.

"Anyway," He coughed, avoiding her eyes. "I think I should go check on him one more time."

The pressure from her scrutinizing gaze was suffocating and his body was desperately signaling to him to run away. He shot her a smile as he shrugged the model jacket off and handed it to her.

She returned the quick smile with one of her own. "Tell me how Y/n is when he's up, okay?"

Nico gave a curt nod, mumbling a quick goodbye as he left the Aphrodite cabin.

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