The Astronomy Tower || chapter one-hundred and eighteen

Start from the beginning

"Morning, darling... you okay?" He mumbled drowsily, his hand settled on top of my still-flat stomach.

"Better than ever." I whisper jokingly, looking over to see him rolled onto his side, his face already drowning in adoration. He heaved himself onto his own elbows, that way his face was inches away from mine.

"How's the tummy?" He asked softly, cradling the side of my face in his large palms.

"Just a few cramps here and there, nothing too bad yet." I whisper against him, my lips brushing lightly over his. He used that as an opportunity to press a gentle kiss on my mouth.

"Tell me when it hurts, okay?" He whispered, his lips trailing down my neck. "Mhm," I manage to hum through my content moans, a hand coming up to grab the hair at the back of his head.

Unfortunately, his shower of loving kisses came to a halt as he pulled back to turn on the lamp beside us. Even with the help of the light, our room was still pretty dark. The cloud was painted with dark, heavy clouds— looking as though they were about to cry their sin across the shadowy land.

"I'm gonna make us some tea, you stay put." Draco said, pulling a wooly jumper over his head which pulled my gaze away from the windows. "Okay..." I murmur, grabbing ahold of the teddy Draco had bought for me to snuggle in his absence.

His quiet humming filled the room as he started the kettle, meanwhile my eyes traced the outline of silhouette, adoring every inch of him. From the second either of us woke up, Draco was quick to jump out of bed and do anything he'd consider soothing to me. Making my favourite tea was one of those things.

Moments later he returned with a mug in hand, steam leaking over the side of the cup. "Thank you, love." I whisper softly, carefully accepting the warm china into my own hands. "Not a problem." He cooed, pressing a gentle kiss against my temple which made my cheeks flush.

After he grabbed his own mug, Draco laid down on his back and kept it propped against his chest, his head in my lap. I got the hint and ran my fingers through his hair, the two of us enjoying each other's silent company.

"Draco...?" I finally spoke after a moment.

"Mhm?" Draco hummed, showing he was listening.

"Does something feel... off to you?" I ask softly. Draco tilted his back, that way his eyes locked with mine. "What do you mean?" He asked, sounding concerned. When I opened my mouth to respond, but couldn't find the right words, he sat up and set his mug down, increasingly worried.

"What feels off, sweetheart?" He asked, hooking an arm around my waist to pull me further into him. "Is it your body? You feel like it's the baby?"

I shake my head, latching onto him with a hand on each shoulder.

"You sure?" He asked, placing a hand in the small of my back, making it arch a little.

"I don't know, Draco... something just doesn't feel right..."

Draco seemed to contemplate this for a second, but settled with saying— "I'm sure it's just pregnancy hormones, darling. C'mere." He cooed, pulling me in so we were chest to chest, my forehead pressed against his.

"Let me take care of you..." He whispered, "And if you're feeling up to it, we can take a little stroll around the castle and spend an hour or two up in the Astronomy Tower... that sound good, hm?"

"Mhm..." I mumbled, trying not to giggle when he nudged my face upwards with his nose, making his mouth graze over mine. Only a second later, we ended up with lips on lips, and hands travelling up and down each other's warm spines.

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