Chapter 46

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'However far away
I will always love you
However long I stay
I will always love you'

Love song ~Adele

Darcy Michelson

"Darcy, I love you." The three words that slipped from his lips. The three words that I had only ever heard from family members.

Three words that I don't think have very formed in his head. Three words that I didn't know he could feel, three words that I don't know I could feel.

The three words that finally defined, named what I was feeling towards him. Named what he had to say but couldn't find the words, but he found the three words. The three fucking words.

I had opened my mouth to say something, to say anything, say it back probably. He cupped my cheeks while I still held the shock on my face. I wanted to say something back, I wanted to somehow not tell him but tell him how much I felt for him.

"Harry-I-" I began but the door to our room had been swung open and my words had ceased to exist in this moment.

"Oi! Love birds! We gotta go!" Zayn had barged into our moment while Harry sighed and lent his head against mine. We had fluttered our eyes closed and wanted nothing more than to get lost within the moment. "Give me a minute, Z." Harry had said softly back while he held me for a moment while Zayn complained but went back outside of my room.

"Continue, please." he sighed while I felt my heart constrict at the low volume of his voice. "Harry, I- I've never loved anyone before." I shook my head lightly while he lent his forehead on mine to try and bring me some sort of comfort with the rush of adrenaline and fear I was feeling.

"I haven't either." he admitted while I wrapped my arms around his waist and feeling the wave of nausea come rolling forward due to the feelings I was feeling, yeah, I know big words, right?

"I have this feeling inside of my chest." I cleared my throat. "Like a really big pressure, right here." I slipped on arm off of him and pressed onto my sternum, physically trying to show up. "Like-"

"Like a balloon on the verge of popping." he said exactly what I was thinking as I nodded slowly. "Like a balloon." I recited back to him while licking my lips and looking down at my freshly painted toes that were going to be covered in black sandles soon enough.

"I feel like if I say it you're just going to take it back." I refused to look at him because I was so scared of what he looked like looking down at me in this moment. "You're not going to take it back right?" I wondered while he brought a single hand down to my chin and slowly lifted my head up to stare back at him as he was doing to me.

"My love." he sighed as his warm breath fanned across my face. "My Darcy Michealson." he switched up my last name as I let out a small cry at the acknowledgment of my own being and not being a part of the Jane's in a full manor.

"Even if you would leave me now and I would never see you again. You would still be the only woman, only person I will and have ever loved." oh fuck the waterworks are coming in strong. "I love you, Darcy."

"You don't have to say it back right now, just know that I love you, now, always and forever."  he said words that I didn't think that he knew existed.


We were sitting inside of the limo that we were required to take to the venue, which was a ballroom venue that was on long island. I was sat next to Harry as his hand was engulfing mine with Zayn and Louis across from us while Niall was sitting in the front next to the driver annoying the shit out of him.

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