Plus Est En Vous Part 2 of 2

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I yelped as the portal threw us into the Netherworld. Lance gasped. "Uh...." He said, confused. We landed in a green cloud. " Okay, so I'm gonna come right out and say it. This is just awful." Angry said, flinging a weird-looking pig. " I'm not sure if I should be fascinated or terrified." Varian said. A large eyeball came in front of us, and opened its eye. It split into tiny little ones. "And we have a winner." Varian said stiffly. I clung onto him. "Everyone, let's just relax. I'm sure Eugene will have us back in no time." Lance said and he yelps as an oddly colored giraffe pops out from underneath him. "I hope." he continued. 

"Guys, I know we've gotta get out of here, but is it weird these delicious-looking things are making me hungry?" Lance said, as food items with eyes flew past him. "Not to me," Shorty said, taking a bite out of a lettuce as a fish with a child's head popped out of it. "Oh, yeah, I think, I think we're safe. Up here, for a while." Varian said. My eyes widened as his hari stripe began turning into a snake. "What?" He asked. "Uh, V, I don't want to alarm you, but the stripe in your hair, it's alive!" Angry said. Varian gasped as the snake and him screamed at each other. "AHHH! GET IT OFF! NO! WHY?!" he yelped as he ran.

 "Oh, man, I can't look. Why can I see this? Why can I still see this? I shouldn't be able to see this!" Lance said as more eyes started appearing on him. I blinked. I felt something brush against me. I turned around to see a blue wolf tail. I yelped and touched my head. I felt furry ears and I looked at my hair. It was neon blue. I yelped again. "I think I know what's going on here. This place, it's changing us." Varian said. "Oh, really, Professor Snakehead? How'd you figure that out?" Lance asked sarcastically. "And if we don't get out soon, then these changes could be..." Varian started. "Irreversible" Varian's snake/hair stripe said. 

"You're my best buddy, bud -- don't ever change! Well, I hate to say it, but it looks like we'll be here for the long haul." Lance said. 

Everyone groaned and I leaned into Varian. The snake in his hair looked at me flirtily. I chuckled. Varian glared at the snake and sighed.

 "You know, if I was trapped in this place for thousands of years like Zhan Tiri, I'd be pretty ticked off, too. Wait, where'd everybody go?" Angry said as she floated away. " You kind of floated away. Again." Catalina said, reeling Angry's head back. 

"Oh, oh, I want to go home. Mommy!" Feldspar said. I scoffed and rolled my eyes. We all yelped as the portal reopened and pulled us back home. Varian grunted and he saw his dad closing the portal as soon as we got out. "Dad! Dad! You're back!" He said running up to him and hugging him. I smiled and got up. Varian rebuilt the portal and sighed. "Everything is up and running. All right, all set this and send Zhan Tiri back." He said. 

I smiled and kissed him. He wrapped his arms around me. "Now all we got to do is figure out how to lure Zhan Tiri into that portal." Lance said. Rubble fell on the portal and broke it "Oh, come on!" He whined. "Everybody, get out!" Arianna yelled. We ran out and a black thing with horns and squid legs announced "Let the age of Zhan Tiri begin!" I transformed into Sapphire's Dragon Form. I stood in front of Varian. "Okay, if that thing is that little girl, then she has really hit an unfortunate growth spurt." Eugene said. 

"At last, the power is mine. I've dreamt of wielding the Moonstone and Sundrop for centuries!" Zhan Tiri said. She went back inside with Rapunzel and Cass. I looked at Varian and helped him onto my neck. "Okay, listen up. I need everyone to get as far away from here as possible." Eugene said. "But what about you, son?" Edmund asked him. 

"I'm going after Rapunzel." Eugene answered. "Not alone you're not. I'm going with you." Lance said. "So am I" Varian said and told me to move forward. We all charged towards Zhan Tiri. "FOR CORONA! FOR RAPUNZEL!" We chanted. We all started fighting her and Varian mixed up a potion. "Hey Zhan Tiri, catch!" He said, then threw it at her. It exploded in her face. "You're only prolonging your own demise" she said. I slid Varian off my neck and turned into a human. Zhan Tiri reached for Varian. "NO!" I yelled and pushed him out of the way. 

Zhan Tiri grabbed me. "NO! AZALEA!" Varian yelled. I turned into Aloe's Dragon form. I roared and tried to attack her. 

She flung me off and a black rock cut my left eye. I roared and turned into a human. Varian ran up to me and hugged me. I winced and groaned as Varian tried to dress the wound.

 Zhan Tiri created a cage around me, Varian and everyone else. I sighed and Varian kissed me. " I've grown tired of this. At last, Corona DIES!!" Zhan Tiri said. "Wither and decay, end this destiny" She started. "Oh no..." I said. I gripped Varian and he kissed me. "Break these earthly chains, and set the spirit free" She finished. A black rock sprouted up and cut Varian's stomach. He yelled and clutched the wound. I ran up to him and he started coughing. Blood streamed out of his mouth. Varian sagged in my arms and everything turned to black.

"Bring back what once was mine, what once was mine, what once was mine." Rapunzel said. I gasped and looked around frantically. Varian's eyes were still closed and his face was pale. "No!" I yelled. I went up to him and sobbed. Rapunzel stopped saying the incantation. I put my forehead against his. "No! No it can't end like this!" I said.

 I kept crying. "I love you...Varian, I can't let you leave me...." I whispered. I sobbed. 

"Don't cry Azalie, I'm back" Varian said to me weakly.

 I looked at him. He smiled. I hugged him. "Are you okay?" I asked him. He coughed, more blood streaming out of his mouth. "W-We'll get you help" I told him. He looked up at me then grabbed my hand. "You need help too," He said weakly, before coughing again. I sighed and nodded. I picked him up and carried him to the medics. They helped him and helped me. I sat down next to Varian. He opened his mouth to speak. I shook my head. "Don't you'll hurt yourself more," I sighed. He nodded and I leaned into him. "I love you" I told him. He smiled and nodded. I hugged him and he wrapped his arms around me. We fell asleep in each other's arms. 

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