Be Very Afraid

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"What does it mean, Demanitus? What does it mean?" Varian hissed as he tried to translate the scroll. I looked at him and shrugged. He glared at me. Varian whipped around, gasping. He ran into his lab. I followed him, confused. He went up to the center of his lab. "Dad! No! No, not again!" He banged his hand against an upright table. "Dad?" Varian said, looking around. He ran outside to see his dad pushing a wheelbarrow of apples, "Morning son" Quirin told him. I looked at him confused. He sighed and looked at me. He smiled. Ruddiger goes up to a growth of red rocks. "What is it buddy?" Varian asked Ruddiger. 

"Well....this is new" Varian said. I saw one of the rocks pierce through Varian 

"NO!" I yelled. I closed my eyes and when I opened them, the rocks were gone, and Varian was fine. I fell on my knees. "Are you okay?" Varian asked me. I panted and looked up at him. He grabbed my hand and I put my head on his chest. Ruddiger runs off and Varian gets up to chase him. I ran behind him. 

"Ruddiger! R-Ruddiger! W--Ruddiger, where are you? Hey! Buddy, where are you headed?" 

Varian runs and bumps into a wall. 

I laugh and he bumps into Feldspar and a woman and infant "Oh! Sorry. Hi." He said. "Don't you have a kingdom to overthrow or something?" Feldspar said to Varian. I wrinkled my nose at him and scoffed. Varian ignored it "Yeah... Uh, you haven't seen a raccoon around, have you?" He asked. The lady scoffed and the infant started crying. "Oooookay...uh, N-Never mind." we walk away. "Hey, hey, hey, come back here! Ruddig–" I saw Ruddiger, but he was red. I pointed to him "Hey! Buddy, I was looking for you! Wha-- What are you-- Hello? W-what's wrong? Hey." Varian said as he tried to snap him out of it. 

We start looking for Rapunzel. We scare them by accident. "Sorry! Sorry. Just us. Hi. And, uh, Ruddiger. Kinda." Varian said, scratching the back of head. "Varian, is he okay? What happened?" Rapunzel asked. Pascal tapped Ruddiger. "Uh, I'm not quite sure, but it has something to do with these new rocks. I mean, I've only been able to study them for a few hours, but their effects appear to be extremely dangerous." Varian sighed. 

"Oh yeah? More dangerous than bringing people's greatest fear to life?" Eugene said. I looked down. "Yes well, if people remain under that fear spell for too long, it looks like they'll become frozen with terror permanently." Varian said. 

I closed my eyes and saw Varian, stabbed by the red rocks. I gasped and opened them, falling down again. Varian grabbed my hand and hugged me. 

"Well, gang, it sounds to me like we need to find a way to turn these fearful frowns upside down! Okay, yep. Sorry. That just wound up making him look creepier." Rapunzel said as she moved Ruddiger's frown into a smile. "Think this'll keep people away from these rocks?" She asked as she finished painting a picture. She put it on her Dad's statue. I leaned into Varian and he sighed. "What are you seeing?" He asked me. I looked down and sighed. "I see you, getting pierced by the black rocks" I said. He hugged me and said "Well, I'm fine, don't worry" he put his head on mine.

"Now, theoretically, if we sever this chain of rocks, using one of my alchemical solutions, then we can cut off the red rocks' fear power." Varian said, drawing a circle around a chain of red rocks. "Oh, we can so cut off their power," Rapunzel said determinedly. "You just need a cavern that runs deep enough." Varian said. "Deep cavern... I know just the place!" Rapunzel said. We walked into the hallway. "No, no, no, no!" A maid yelled, then she froze. "Oh, no! It's getting worse. We can't let this happen to anybody else. Your plan starts now." Rapunzel told Varian.

Varian packed his bag. He sighed. "It's up to you two to keep the people's spirits up. Remember, you can't let fear take hold of anyone for too long, or..." Rapunzel told Lance and Eugene. "Don't worry, sunshine, we'll think of something." Eugene said. "Yeah, with us two putting our heads together-- AH! Get away from me, Clown-spider!" Lance said, running off. "Or I'll be thinking of something at the very least." Eugene growled. I grabbed Varian's hand as we walked through the caverns "No problem. We got this. No problem, we got this." He said for the 23rd time. "You okay, Varian? Because you've said, 'No problem, we've got this,' 23 times now. Look, I'm actually keeping track. Heh." Rapunzel said, showing him tally marks. "That's... I'm fine, really. Uh, you know, just trying not to set off 3000 traps down here!" Varian groaned.

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