Plus Est En Vous Part 1 of 2

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Varian was reading his book about the Scroll while Rapunzel and Arianna were gone. He sighed. "Hey, haven't any of you had a problem you just couldn't solve? One we could sing about, preferably a bouncy tune that makes you forget how bad... everything-oh, come on. We can't just give up." Eugene said then groaned in annoyance.

 "Yeah! If Eugene can lose an entire kingdom in humiliating defeat and still hold his head up then so can we." Lance said. "That's right. I'm sure our captain has a plan to victory. Poor sap has no idea how doomed we are. Doomed, I tell you! Hold it together, Edmund. I believe in you, son." Edmund said. I sighed. Varian wrapped his arm around me. "Thank you for the support, Dad. Now, come on, there's got to be a way out of this." Eugene said. 

"There is, but there's only one way out, and that's through it." Rapunzel said, walking through the door. "I'm not gonna sugar coat this. This is the biggest challenge this kingdom has ever faced" She said, sitting down at the piano. "No offense, you two," Eugene said, elbowing me and Varian. "Eh" Varian said, I shrugged. 

"Time now to fight. Let's turn our losing streak around. Rise and unite. Let's do what we must do." Rapunzel sang and Varian went up and played the piano alongside her. "If we're to win. We can't turn back or sneak around. Once we begin the only way is through. Through the fire, through the rain. We'll face whatever the fates may bring. And tear through every wall. Through the fear, through the pain. And as one we will rise. Marching tall. Through it all" Rapunzel sang. "It's not gonna be easy. But it's our only option. Who's with me?" Rapunzel said. "Time now to stand" Eugene sang. "Let's save our home and take it back,At your command" Fredric sang. "I'm in!" Eugene said. "And me!" Fredric said. "Me too!" Shorty said before yelping and falling off the balcony. Varian mounted Fidella with a tambourine. "Onward we ride. Who knows if we will make it back?" He sang, riding around on Fidella. "We're at your side. Together we'll come through" Arianna sang. "Through the strife, through the fray. We can't hold back in this time of need. We all must heed the call. Through the dark, to the day and as one, we will rise. Marching tall. Through it all Through it all. Through it all. Through it all. Yeah!" We all sang. 

Varian grabbed a drink and started on it while he was reading. I refused mine and sat down next to him. I sighed and laid my head on the counter. 

"Not to mention Zhan Tiri. I mean, I don't think any of us are up to fighting an ancient evil demon creature." Eugene said. Varian finished his drink and put it down. "Neither was Lord Demanitus. When I was researching the Scroll, I found out Demanitus banished Zhan Tiri to some kind of netherworld, but the machine he used to do it was dismantled centuries ago." Varian said. 

"Can you build it again?" Rapunzel asked him. 

"If I had the plans, but Demanitus took his only blueprints to his tomb." Varian said. "Let me guess: The tomb is thousand years old and no one knows where it is." Eugene said. "Well, I, I wouldn't say no one knows." Rapunzel told him. "I've got a bad feeling about this." Eugene said.

"Snow" Eugene growled. "WHY DID IT HAVE TO BE SNOW!" he yelled and his yell echoed. " Almost there, guys. And by almost, I mean not really at all" Rapunzel said. 

"Come on, you old timers." Angry said, climbing the ladder. I shuddered. "Yeah, I'll fly up," I sighed. I transformed into My Dragon Form and I flew up. 

I landed and transformed into a human. "It's magnificent!" Varian said as he climbed up. 

"Is it just me, or is there no door to get in?" Eugene said. " It doesn't look like there is. But there is a riddle." Rapunzel said. "Classic Demantitus" Eugene said. 

"'I grow but do not live. I need air but do not breathe.'" Rapunzel read. "A fish!" Catalina said. "A rabbit!" Angry said. "A RABBIT FISH!" they both said at once. "People, are you even listening to the riddle?" Eugene said. "Oh, sorry. We were playing charades. But the answer to the riddle is fire" Lance said. "Lance, It's not–" Eugene started. "No, no, no, he's right. It is fire." Rapunzel said. 

She took a torch from Varian's bag and broke the top of the torch to reveal the flame, and put it on a fire symbol so it would spread to the other symbols to open the door. Varian had a big goofy grin that made me blush. The door opened and I smiled. 

"See, Gee-bug? Easy peasy." Rapunzel said. "Escuza meh?" Eugene said. "Sorry. I was trying out a pet name." Rapunzel said. "Maybe try harder?" Eugene hissed. 

"No, please don't. Gee-bug is a keeper. Come on, everyone. Gee-bug doesn't like to wait." Lance laughed. Varian and I walk inside while everyone continues to tease Eugene. I sighed. Eugene went inside and the monkeys threw banana peels at him. "Hey, hey, hey, hey!" He yelled. I laughed and leaned into Varian. He kissed my head and looked around. He went over to Demantitus' device for switching minds with a primate. 

I sighed and watched as everyone tried to take back the book. Everyone except me and Catalina got their minds switched with a monkey. Varian flipped a page in the book. I went over to him and put my head on his. He looked up at me. He smiled and said "building it would be a snap. It's where we have to set it up, that gets a little... tricky." He looked at Rapunzel. I sighed. "What do you mean?" Rapunzel asked. "Yeah, it needs to be close enough to Zhan Tiri to suck her back in, and because she's with Cass, in the castle... Ugh." He sighed.

 "Looks like we'll have to storm the castle and build the machine there. Let's get to it." Rapunzel said. We headed back home. We got ready and armored up. I sighed and transformed into Sapphire's Dragon Form. Varian gave his dad his helmet and he went up to me. He smiled as I helped him onto my neck. "All right, everyone, you know the plan. Charge the castle, build that machine, open the portal, and send Zhan Tiri back to the netherworld. Now let's move out!" Rapunzel said. We all cheered and we ran to the castle. Eugene pulled on the door "It's locked!" He said. I roared and pushed through it. 

"It's unlocked!" Eugene said. We ran inside, yelling but no one was there. "Where are the bad guys?" Vladimir asked. "I don't know. But let's just get that machine build before they get back. All right?" Eugene said. Varian slid off my neck and started building the portal. "And...there. Okay, just pull that lever, and we've got ourselves a trans-dimensional portal. Heh, heh." Varian said, tightening a screw. "Oh, you weren't kidding. That was fast." Eugene said. "Okay, we've just got to make sure everyone is clear of the portal or else, you know, they'll end up in limbo right along with Zhan Tiri." Varian warned. 

"Although, I got to admit, this all feels a little too easy." Eugene said. "For Cassandra!" Quirin yelled, pulling the lever. It only got halfway before he was stunned and fell to the ground. I turned human and ran up to him. Varian and Eugene close behind me. "Dad, Dad, don't worry. You'll be okay, I promise." Varian said. "What happened?" Eugene asked him. "I thought about what you said, so I took precautions. I rigged his helmet with a temporary stun mechanism." Varian explained. "Score one to Team Awesome!" Eugene said. 

"Heh. Yeah, Team Awesome." Varian said, looking down. I kissed his cheek. "Let's say we get him someplace more comfortable, huh?" I asked. He smiled at me then nodded. An explosion sounded and Eugene and Edmund went to go check on Rapunzel. "Stay here, Hamuel. Keep an eye on things with the others." Edmund told Hamuel. The crow sat on the lever and it was pushed forward, activating the portal. "Oh, that's not good," Varian said as the portal sucked us in.

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