Queen For A Day

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I ran outside, a snowflake falling on my nose. I grinned. "SNOW!" the kids outside yelled. It had just been after Rapunzel announced this day, a snow day. I sighed and packed a snowball together and threw it at Eugene. He glared at me and I rolled my eyes. A few hours later, wind started to pick up, and everyone had to go inside the castle to warm up. I grabbed some hot chocolate. I wrapped myself in a fur blanket and sat near the fire. I sighed happily. 'I wonder if Varian is gonna come and visit...it's been a while since I've seen him' I thought. 'He's probably playing out in the snow, or warming up in his house,' Chaos said to me, rolling her eyes.

I growled at her. I stayed with Rapunzel as they started to make decisions, to evacuate the island to the mainland as the storm got worse. I sighed 'I hope Varian is okay, it's getting really windy and cold' I worried. Chaos groaned inside my head. 'He's fine Azalea stop worrying' she hissed at me.

Kelpie snapped at her and I stifled a laugh. Varian came running in. "Princess Rapunzel!" he yelled. I ran up to him, grabbing his shoulders. "Are you okay?" I asked him. He nodded "But my dad isn't! Rapunzel, you're the only one who can help!" he said. Rapunzel pulled him aside and I followed. "Rapunzel, the rocks they're encasing my dad!" "what do you mean encasing?" "C-COME SEE FOR YOURSELF! PLEASE!" "I-I can't, it's a state of emergency!" "Your majesty, please! Whatever the boy's problem is, it has to be put aside!" Nigel told Raps. "I'm sorry! I-I can't help you!" Raps told Varian. Guards grabbed Varian by his arms and dragged him away "No! RAPUNZEL! YOU PROMISED! YOU PROMISED!" his voice yelled as he was dragged away. I growled and glared at Raps. "WHY WOULD YOU TURN HIM DOWN?!" I snarled at her. "I had to, I had no choice!" she told me. "OF COURSE YOU HAD A CHOICE! YOU'RE THE TEMPORARY QUEEN!" I yelled at her. I sighed and ran after Varian. "No! Azalea wait!" Rapunzel yelled after me. I ran outside and transformed into Sapphire's dragon form, so I could bear the cold. I saw Varian running with his stick in the blizzard. "Oh, Varian," I sighed. I landed next to him and he yelped. "Azalea?" he asked me. "Indeed," I said in English. He smiled, "What are you doing here?" he asked. "To help you, I have a few ideas to free your dad," I said. He smiled at me and I picked him up and carried him to his house. I put him down, turned human, and we ran inside. "Dad! Dad! The princess refused to help but I brought someone who-" he was cut off as he ran into his lab and saw his dad, fully encased in amber. I gasped. "No! NO NO! DAD! DADDY! No..." he started crying as he banged his fist against the amber. I felt tears welling up, this was the first time I saw Varian crying and it hurt. I ran up to him and put my arm around him. He laid his head on my chest and kept sobbing. I wrapped my arms around him and felt tears streaming down my face. "I'm so sorry Varian," I whispered hoarsely. He kept sobbing and he said "I thought I would make it back in time." I laid my head on his and he sniffled. I helped him up and transform into My Dragon Form. I spat some venom onto the amber. I thought I heard sizzling but the venom never burned through. I growled in frustration. I transformed into Bullet's Dragon Form and sprayed acid onto the amber. It didn't burn through. I hissed and stamped my talon. I sighed and thought for a moment. I transformed back into Sapphire's dragon form. I scratched my sharp claws against the amber. She didn't cut it. I roared. "NO! This all should've worked!!" I roared in English. I started banging myself against the amber. I growled and clenched my claws. "Azalea! Stop, you'll hurt yourself" Varian yelled at me. I panted and turned human again. I clenched my jaw. "It should've worked!" I yelled. Varian wrapped his arm around me. "You did everything you could, Rapunzel is the one to blame" He growled. I nodded. Varian looked up at his dad in the amber. "I will make you proud " He sang. "Get the answers and set you free, don't you worry whatever it might take, I'm finding a way " He continued. "And I swear right now. That no matter what comes of me. Anybody who stands or has stood in my path, they are going to payyyyyyyyy! " He sang. I narrowed my eyes. "They.......Will......Pay" He growled. He sighed and grabbed my hand. "We'll find a way to free him," He said, looking at me. I nodded and I leaned into him. 

Varian X OC!AzaleaOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora