Chapter 7: Thirst

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PART 7 – Thirst

"Take your sword and come to the practice hall."

I could have disobeyed his order... but I rose from the dining table and obediently followed, finding his sudden request somewhat strange. That day, my father was seemingly in a good mood. Ever since my mother went to visit her family, he felt he had the liberty to do whatever he wanted. To cheat on her. To mistreat servants. To express his full capacity of committing violent acts, so to say.

Knowing that... I usually traveled with mama, keeping her company. In certain way, I was trying to compensate for her lack of friends, despite being aware I would never be able to fully understand her mind, regardless of all of my efforts. I simply wasn't meant to understand her that way, for I was her daughter. But I tried nonetheless. After all... we only had one another.

Two monsters in the world filled with humans, as it sometimes seemed.

However, ever since I've met Tepes family, that feeling changed. I preferred spending time in their household instead of staying in my father's castle. I felt understood at Castlevania. I felt welcome. I felt like I belonged, and like I was part of something. Of clan, or family, however preposterous it may sound. I felt more at home with them than at father's own fort.

I was welcomed as a family member in Vlad's home. But, after that kiss with Adrian... things weren't the same. Neither him nor I knew how to behave properly after that. We acted somewhat nonchalant about the whole thing, it was as if nothing happened. However, our relationship was transformed to the point where we could no longer regard one another solely as friends.

There was that new sense of... inexplicable eagerness and growing frustration when I was around Adrian. Some quiet expectation was lurking somewhere behind shy smiles and accidental touches we occasionally exchanged. It was an anticipation I couldn't quite describe, being too ashamed of the new, warm feeling he started producing in me. I wanted to taste his lips again, but it was too awkward to even try.

There were gazes... and this urge to touch him... but we kept it at that, not daring to put our fragile new discovery into higher risk.

And so... I wasn't really eager to visit as frequently as I used to. I just needed time to process how I felt... and what it meant for me. For the both of us, actually. And while processing... I was, apparently... stuck in a sense of confusion that was crippling me whenever we were in the presence of others. The tension between us was almost visible. I had to take some time and figure what I wanted further out of that connection. To lose him as a friend... and potentially gain more? Had it really come to that... or were we merely both deluding ourselves? Will that new feeling last... or will it come to pass? How was I to know, when the only thing I could think about was Adrian's lips on mine? How do we go back to what we were beforehand?

"It's rather odd, seeing you here. With Justina gone, I expected you'd go to Vlad's mansion," father said, interrupting the long silence between us. Since I haven't responded to his remark, he simply continued talking.

"Funny, isn't it? Sometimes I even wonder if you truly know where your home is. You are frequenting his castle more than your own home, at this point."

I didn't have anything to say to him, so I stayed silent again, walking behind him with lowered head. I was looking at the rhomboid, black and white pattern on the floor. Tiles spread along the whole hallway. Sometimes, I would choose to step only on the black ones. Other times, I would choose the white ones. It was kind of a game when I was a child. I was stepping onto the black ones this time, noticing reflection of my boots over the marble surface.

"Are you even listening?" he asked.

To that, I had a prepared, automatic response.

"Yes, father," I recited.

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