Part 10 : Come Whatever May (end of volume 1)

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Thank you for sticking with Ilona until the very end! If you liked the story (and want a sequel), please let me know. All comments are appreciated!

Warning: This chapter contains sexual themes, so read at your own discretion.

PART 10 - Come Whatever May

We stayed in the same routine for a while, and that routine consisted of constant love-making, eating, taking baths, then making love again. Once we reignited that initial, old flame, the fire became all-consuming. It felt so good it started to become addictive.

I don't know how many days it has been, but we were relentless. Our little escapade from reality didn't last for long, though... because the prize on Adrian's head was still out there, and there were many people who wanted to claim it.

Occasionally, thieves, villagers, hired hands or all sorts of other hunters would appear in order to try and kill the infamous 'Alucard' - for the same reason I tried to hunt him down in the first place, and I bet my whole pint of beer that the sum increased since the last time I've checked.

And so, some really intense encounters happened in this time – for example, some ganged killers tried to 'hunt the monster', not realizing that this time, instead of one, they had to go against two. When ordinary people tried to snick in, the tower itself wouldn't let them bypass the technology of the castle. When those less ordinary tried, Adrian could sense them coming from a mile away. We would stop whatever we were doing at the moment, and take out our weapons, ready to fight.

In a sense, we were both fighting against the supernatural creatures who went against him... but also testing our own strengths. So far, we were either lucky, or our opponents weren't all that strong. There were a few vampires, werewolves, and hunters who fought against us and lost.

It wasn't all that surprising that Adrian and I made a good team. More than being creatures of the same species, we understood one another's characters, which translated well in battles.

I instinctively knew what he'd do, what his moves would be, I could sense his presence or absence. I could tell when he was about to kill, or when he was about to spare someone's life. Those who surrendered were mostly spared and just run away, gifted with their lives... but there were also exceptions - those who were either too stubborn to stop trying to behead Adrian or too prideful to admit their defeat, trying again and again to just bring him down. They were adamant on killing the son of Dracula, regardless of personal risk. I took it upon myself to end them, taking their heads instead. Those I didn't behead... Adrian just displayed next to the other corpses in the front gate, as an enhanced warning to others - those of similar intentions - to stay away.

When the hunt was happening... I've realized just how much I missed being out there, fighting creatures and getting stronger after exposing myself to danger. I've missed the sense of being in danger, of having to put it all into a fight for my own life. And that was my vampiric side, recently awakened. I had this rush, this urge to draw my sword and let the beast rampage.

The danger of it all was... that the lure of it all could pull me into state of frantic desire to kill. Bloodlust was strong in my own bloodline. In a way, my father wasn't completely wrong about considering me a bloodsucking monster – during my life, I've learned just what it meant, being a huntress of darkness.

And so, for the longest time, I fought my monstrous side. I fought the rage, the excitement, the urge for drawing and consuming blood. I fought the madness that got along with it, and I've suppressed that part of my persona with my human-like logic and morality that I was taught from early on.

CASTLEVANIA: Huntress of DarknessTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang