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Millie couldn't get out of the school fast enough. All day, the conversation with Eben had haunted her. She couldn't get it out of her head, especially his last words, which only made her chronic headache worsen. Millie had tried not to let him intimidate her, but it was hard. He reminded her of something she couldn't put a finger on, but it raised the hairs on the back of her neck. When she finally made it to the Bronco, she was less scared and more angry. She wished she had reacted better. The door to the Bronco was reefed open by her iron grip. Her bag was launched into the passenger seat as she climbed in and locked the door behind her.

Again, it took a few cranks to get the bitch of an engine to turn over and even when it did, it whined about it. She was grumbling to herself, rubbing her hands together as the Bronco warmed itself to life, when a knock on her window nearly made her scream.

Rolling down the window, she held her chest to contain her heart and looked over at Tara's beaming face peering into the musty cab.

"Coffee?" The blonde grinned.


Wordlessly, Tara whirled around the car and climbed into the passenger seat, shoving her bag over on the bench. She filled the car with the scent of vanilla body spray and cherry lip balm. Millie put the truck in gear and pulled out of the lot, headed downtown the little coffee shop they frequented. It was off of main street in a old corner building that was almost a hundred years older than she was. The white paint was redone on the wood siting, black trim giving it a more modern appeal. Sapher Coffee Co. was lit up in swirling red font, hanging above the front door. Inside, there were plush red couches, tables, and a vast bakery case. The stained wooden flooring still smelled like fresh cedar. The warm smell of ground and brewed coffee enveloped her like a hug as they entered.

Behind the counter, the shop owner Winona smiled brightly at them, tightening the bun that held her wild red hair away from her face. "Why hello, ladies. Done with school for the day?"

Millie wandered in behind Tara who sparked up immediate conversation. Winona knew everyone who drank coffee in town and she knew all of the circulating gossip and histories. Her eyes found Millie, and by her gaze that lingered on the bruise on her forehead, she had already heard what happened.

"Double coffee day, huh? Are we getting our usuals?" Winona smiled her bright, friendly smile. Millie did like her though, she was sweet and good at listening to other people's problems. There was something to be said about a woman with communication skills like hers. Sandra would have told Winona she should have been a nurse.

"Of course, right Millie?"

Millie nodded and smiled back at Winona. "And I think I need a vanilla scone."

Within five minutes, Millie was sitting on a soft red chair with her americano and a vanilla scone. Tara sat across from her with a blueberry muffin and a vanilla latte. Winona had made a swan out of the foam on top.

"You feeling okay?" Tara asked, her eyes roaming Millie's face. For someone who was typically kind of a bitch, she sure had a soft spot for the people who were close to her.

Millie shrugged, "I've been better. Just have a headache today."

"What else?" Tara narrowed her eyes at her.

Rolling her eyes, Millie laughed a little. Tara's gaze hardened like she knew better and finally Millie caved. "Eben Welch approached me at lunch."

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