-"why is he tied to the bed?" I ask.
-"in case if he were to wake up and try to hurt himself again. He's going have to seek treatment once he's stabilized." The doctor said.
-"treatment? You mean a mental hospital?? Those are horrible, he can't go there!"
-"we have no choice, Michael. he needs help, badly. we have to." Joyce said, sniffing.
-"for how long?" I ask.
-"3-5 weeks." Jonathan said.

that's too long.. I won't be able to say anything to him, we wouldn't even want me to visit him.

-"we get to say goodbye to him before he leaves though, right?" I ask the doctor.
-"of course, for as long as you please." He said.

i looked at Will. He looked so pale and I couldn't even comprehend why he would do this, if it weren't for me, he'd be perfectly happy right now.

i hate that I hurt him.

I'm such an idiot

a few hours later, Mrs Byers and I were talking. But she paused when wills heart beat was going up. We looked at him and he was waking up. He tried to sit up, but was strapped up. His heart beat increased more when he looked at me.
He looked embarrassed to be there, like he wishes that he wasn't there. That he didn't wake up.
-"hey, it's okay. Don't freak out." Joyce says calmly.
-"what is he doing here?" He scowled
-"what are you talking about, will? He's your best friend isn't he?" Jonathan asked confused.
-"no! Go away! GET THE FUCK AWAY FROM ME!! GET THE FUCK OUT!! GET AWAY!! LEAVE ME ALONE!! I HATE YOU, DON'T EVER COME BACK!!!" He tried getting out of the bed, but it wouldn't work.
Why was he so mad? I knew he was mad, but the look in eyes when he looked at me.. it's not normal. The doctors had to hold him down so he would stop, it was like he snapped.. but why?
-"you need to leave." Security grabbed me.
-"what?? Why?!"
-"whats going on?" My mom asked frantically watching them drag me outside.
-"he's going to get worse if you don't get out."
-"Will I still get to say goodbye to him?"
-"probably not." He said, escorting me out to my moms car.
we both got in the car, not speaking.

-"what happened?" She asked.
-"i don't want to talk about it. just take me home, I need to call my friends."

i had totally forgotten about them, they had no idea what was going on, they need to know. I ran into my basement as soon as we got home and called max. She was the only one that knew about will and I.

-"max! I'm sorry, I messed up. I messed up really badly. Wills in the hospital, he hates me." I stuttered with tears in my eyes.
-"mike? What did you do?" She asked.
-"he caught me kissing someone else.. but max please don't yell at me right now. Say goodbye to Will, he has to go away for a while. They won't let me say goodbye. he kicked me out.
-"but, mike-" I hung up before she could say anything

I sat down on the couch, buried my face into my hands. I ruined everything. everything in my life is falling apart. I feel like I'm suffocating in guilt. everything is over now.

he never wants to see me ever again.

Wills pov -

The doctors held me down as I tried to get out of the bed I was strapped to, I couldn't help it. It was like something just completely came over me. Like a random strike of anger spread through me like a wildfire, and made me act out. They were holding me down and giving me a shot, I watched mike being taken out of the room as my eyes closed slowly and I slipped unconscious.

i woke up to max, Lucas, dustin, and el next to me. i was still strapped down and there were two other doctors in the corner of the room with my mom and Jonathan.
-"what's going on?" I ask, trying to sit up.
-"will, we came to say goodbye." El said.
-"because, Will. you're sick. These guys will take care of you the next month." My mom explained.
-"what? I am not!" I scoff, as they start unstrapping me from the bed. they held me by my arms with a tight grip.
-"we love you, Will. We will visit every week." Max promised.
-"what? No! Mom help!! I'm not sick!!" I struggle to get out of their reach as they drag me out of the hospital.
they all run out of the room to watch me being dragged by my arms kicking and screaming.
-"MOM!! IM NOT SICK!!" I yelled, why would they think I'm sick??

I'm perfectly fine!!

it's not my fault!

they shoved me in the back of a van, shut the door and drove away. I suddenly started thinking of mike. why did I snap at him? i still love him.. I feel like I could've gotten past this.. somethings just wrong with my brain and it won't let me. Maybe I am sick.. maybe I'm just as crazy as everyone says I am.
they're all right.
i sat in the corner, crying. I'm barely even healed and they wanted to send me away? Why were they doing this?? It's not like I'm a murderer and could rationally do things like one!
i wanted to call someone.. anyone. But who? I didn't want to be there. Especially for a month?? This will take up my entire summer. I felt so dizzy from all my thoughts I was sure I was going to faint.
I regret everything. I wish I could go back and never would've done this to myself. Mike seemed so upset, my mom did too. Now I have to be locked up, how is that fair?

Once I got in, they took all of my things. Everything.

How is this supposed to help me?

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