4: Insomniac

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(this man's vocals are heavenly I refuse to believe he's real^^^)


Taeyong grinned as he scrolled through his phone, blissfully recalling the memories of the day he'd spent with his new acquaintances. He'd gotten to know everyone on the soccer team, including Doyoung's friends, Yuta, Jungwoo, Sungchan, Jisung, and Lucas. Also, everyone who'd been rooting for their team to win, who were also somehow acquainted with Doyoung.

If he could tick of the list of names of the people he'd meet that day...

"Let's see, so there was Jaemin, Yuta, Jungwoo, Sungchan, Jisung, Lucas...." He paused for a second, cursing his memory that resembled a goldfish.

"Ah, and there was Mark, Johnny, Chenle, Haechan, aaaaand who else?"

He knew there was at least a few more people on the list, but before he could finish wracking his brain for answers, his phone pinged with a notification.

(Kim Doyoung)

Hyung, you're online. It's too late, why are you still awake???

Taeyong sighed and checked the time. It was past one o'clock in the morning, way past the time he should've been asleep by. But, yet again, he couldn't sleep. So, he decided to occupy himself, which, he couldn't tell if that helped or harmed him, considering the swelling bags under his eyes.

He reached up and pinched at the bridge of his nose before typing up a response. If he were to be honest, he'd forgotten all about the time he even got Doyoung's number on his phone. He figured he must've been either zoned out or high on sleep deprivation. Typical college student behavior, am I right? Haha...hahahah...

(TY 💤)

You're up also..
Why am I the one to blame?

(Kim Doyoung)

Yah... I have an excuse. I'm studying, which I know you aren't doing for sure, considering the grades you get.

Wow...that was uncalled for.

Taeyong rolled his eyes, the ghost of a smile spreading across his face, which was illuminated by the harsh light of his phone screen in contrast with the pitch black atmosphere of the room.

(Kim Doyoung)

Hey..... If you aren't busy right now, do you wanna call? It's really quiet here, and you seem to be in no hurry to sleep.

Taeyong's eyes widened, a brief moment of hesitation flashing in his eyes before the screen shifted, flashing with a green button that beckoned to be touched.

Wah, he didn't even wait for me to respond...

Ultimately, Taeyong accepted the call. What else was he gonna do all night? Nothing? Maybe hope for at least a wink of sleep before he had to get up again to start another dreadful day? Nah, that doesn't sound quite as appealing as having someone to share conversation with in only the company of the invisible stars in the sky.


Taeyong shivered as he drew in a long breath from the polluted air of the city streets. His eye bags seemed to weigh him down as he meandered down the barren sidewalk, mindlessly eyeing each of the neon signs that shined relentlessly in the dark. They provided a minimal yet perfectly bright light source for anyone who decided to walk beneath them at this ungodly hour.

(In Progress) {Weight on Me}- NCT Taeyong🖤 (DoTae)حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن