I had to think of something, I promised Will I wouldn't tell anyone about what we were doing.

-"he was really drunk, and I was trying to get him to lay down so he wouldn't hurt himself." I lied, horribly.
-"then we heard his dad, he tried to kill Will... Will defended himself, took his gun, And shot him." I explained with a surprisingly calm voice.

they all looked at me, as if they knew I was lying about something.
As I was about to say something, the phone rings.

i stood up and rushed towards it and put the phone up to my ear.
-"mike, they need you." Will said. I haven't heard his voice in a while. It made me feel calmer.
-"I'll be there in a seco-"

before I could finish, he hung up.

-"we gotta go, they want to question us too."

i stopped outside, Will was sitting down in the waiting room with no expression on his face.
i rushed to him.

-"hey, are you okay? I'm sorry will..-" I kneeled down, since he would not look up at me. He had a pale face with tears running down his eyes. He didn't move.

-"mr wheeler, come with me please." A police officer waved his hand for me to go with him.
i looked at Will one more time before walking away to another room, there were two other men there in fancy suits sitting at a desk.
I proceeded to sit down across from them as the officer shut the door.

-"we know, it's 2 in the morning. You probably just want to go home, we'll make this fast. I promise."
-"where were you when you heard the gunshot?"
-"I was.. right next to him."
-"to the guy who.. fired the gun?"
i nodded, I tried to keep my chin up so I didn't look so guilty.
-"do you know why the boy shot him? His own father?"
I looked at them, almost smiling.
-"you haven't questioned anyone else, have you?"

they look at each other.
-"no, not yet."
-"well if you had, you would know that his father barged into the house with a gun, the gun that will shot him with. his own father was trying to kill him. It was self defense."
-"Will said you guys were up there together. What were you doing?"

fuck, I can't lie to the cops. What if Will told them a lie and it all gets mixed up. I had to tell the truth. Or at least a little bit of the truth.

-"we were just talking."
-"what happened when you guys heard his dad come into the house? Or most importantly how did you know?"
-"we heard the door slam open, we heard people screaming that he had a gun. Will grabbed a baseball bat and we hid in the closet."
-"what happened next?" He asked writing everything i was saying down.
-"when his dad opened the door, and opened the closet, Will hit him in the knees. we tried to run but he grabbed Will. He held the gun up to his head. That's when I hit him with the bat again, in the head. Apparently it wasn't hard enough because he got right back up. His dad reached for the gun, so Will took it off the floor. shot him with it. And that's when you guys came." It felt weird to explain it, it almost made me  want to cry. I can't imagine how scary that was for will.

i walked out, they questioned all of my friends at once. Leaving me and Will outside. I tried to talk to him, but he didn't want to. Not in public.

-"do you want to go somewhere else and talk?" I asked. He just shook his head.
-"please?" I laid my hand on his. He finally stood up and let me take him outside. we walked behind the building and I faced him.

-"Will, please talk to me. i don't like it when you do this, you're not alone." I told him calmly.

i chuckled sniffling, before sitting on the floor. I sat down across from him and watched him cry into his own arms, I didn't know what to do.
His crying started turning into laughter. Why was he laughing? I was so confused.

-"oh, god mike! Are you kidding? I'm a monster." he laughed, I could tell he wasn't trying to. His laughter quickly turned into him crying.
-"Will, you're not!"
-"I am my dad. I'm just like him. I'm a horrible person."
-"Will, stop! Please stop! you had to kill him, he was trying to kill you!"
-"mike you don't understand. My dad was horrible and  thank god he's dead! you remember your first year here at Hawkins middle? there were suicide posters and a shrine in front of a boys locker."
-"Wyatt dean?" I asked, what did he have to with all of this?
-"yes. Wyatt was my best friend. and I wanted to be more to him, i was in love with him. and then, after I didn't want everyone to know about us, he got mad at me. He thought I was embarrassed of him. i wasn't, he meant everything to me. Everything. And I ruined it because that night he overdosed, and I never got a chance to apologize."

I was shocked, I didn't know what to say to him.

-"and I know what happened between us earlier, Mike I like you. I like you a lot. but I'm just so terrified that I'm going to push you away too."
-"Will, I will never do that to you. Ever. Do you understand? i don't regret what happened between us, and I want to be with you! i promise you, that will never happen."

I hugged him, and let him cry over me. I can't believe what he just told me. he's been through so much. I reached for his hand again and helped him up.

-"do you want to stay at my house tonight?" I asked, he looked at me in silence.
-"I just figured, you wouldn't wanna be alone." I said.
-"I don't know if my mom will let me leave the house, after everything that happened. but I don't wanna be alone. i can leave my window open?"
-"perfect, I'll be there after an hour after you leave."

we walked back inside, they were all waiting for us inside.
-"where have you guys been??" Lucas sighed.
-"they're letting us go, they called all of our parents." Max said, scared.
-"we weren't even supposed to be gone." Dustin sighed stressed.
We heard a bunch of honking noises outside, we all walked out and all of our parents cars were out there. I walked to Nancy surprised mom wasn't picking me up, and shut the door.

-"what the hell happened? are you okay?" She asked me
-"I'm fine, it was nothing."
-"mike, moms going to be pissed that you're mixed up in all this."
-"it's fine, I just want to go home.

after I made sure everyone in the house was asleep, I left my house out back door and rode my bike to wills house. I left my bike outside castle Byers and walked to his window, which was open. will was laying on his side with a blanket over him.
I made my way into the room and took my shoes off by the side of his bed and laid down next to him.
I wrapped my arms around him, he didn't move.

-"will, are you alright?" I moved his hair out of his face from behind him.
he nodded.
-"I'm just scared."
-"of what?" I asked.

he sat up and turned his side lamp on and looked at me with tears in his eyes.
-"how am I supposed to go to school after this?"
-"will, you don't have to go. I can stay with you at home if you want."
-"no mike, i'm-" he stopped and put his hands over his eyes and cried. I pulled him into my arms and he cried into my chest. A tear fell from my face. I rubbed his arm, going lower to his hand each time.

-"look at me, will." I said sniffing.
He looked up wiping his face with his arm.
-"you're important to me, I care about you so much. Please tell me when you're feeling upset. i want to help you."

he smiled, before kissing me again since everything. He laid his head on my chest and fell asleep quickly.

if only all of our moments were like this.

Traitor - byler .حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن