Slight Detour

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The Slinky lived with Squidward, living on his kitchen counter. Squidward had been your neighbor for a few years now. Always glancing at you from his lawn chair when you'd be walking. He wrote you a few songs too, playing them at weird hours of the night, professing his love for you. Sometimes he'd even threaten Patrick and SpongeBob when they'd knock on your door asking if you wanted to go to Jellyfish Feilds. That night, the steroids he bought finally arrived. He quickly injected himself the second he saw the package on his front porch. His limbs elongated, and with this new found ability he went over to your house, knocked on your door, and once you answered he wrapped his tentacles around you. When you woke up it was dark. You attempted to stand, wanting to inspect your surroundings, but it was no use. The collar clinked around your neck as you moved. The long chain linked to the arm of an electric chair. Light filled the room as Squidward walked in. His limbs still longer than they should've been. They immediately reached for you, the suctions on his arms sticking to you. From the light of the doorway, you saw the slinky rolling it's way over toward the two of you. You'd forever be stuck living there with squidward and the slinky.

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