Its 9:30, there's fish everywhere

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The clock ticked continuously.
If time was real it would be bisexual, the slinky thought.
The clock still didn't stop moving, even after the slinky called it gay. Slink just sighed, a little more accepting of the fact that time would keep moving along, even if he wasn't ready for it.

He thought things would be better for him when he agreed to move in with Sonic, but they weren't. He missed living with Squidward. Sure, Squidward would beat the Slinky when his addiction got out of control, but he'd be lying if he said he didn't get aroused by it. And Sonic never appreciated when he'd tie himself to the front of his car. And he didn't laugh at his jokes. Slinky isn't a very funny person, but he thinks it's rude to just stare at someone after they tell a joke. Squidward usually had an epileptic episode after he told a joke. At least he DID something.

The clock was ticking. It stressed the slinky out. Slinky decided he was in love with the time. Slowly, he took the clock off the wall and set it down on the counter in front of him. He turned it around and opened the slot where the batteries go, and slowly started thrusting. He wanted the clock to call him back after this, maybe he'd be able to take the clock out on a date in the morning. He kissed the clock, licking its sides. The clock didn't have any idea how horny he made the slinky. It continued to tick as it lay motionless on the marble.

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