Meanwhile in the kitchen, Tony slinked his arms around Steve as he was storing noodles and prepping the tomatoes for the sauce. "I like shirtless cooking. You should do it more often." Tony purred as he caressed Steve's bare chest and sides. Steve chuckled. "You can thank your son for that." He moved to the cutting board, Tony was on his left. "Oh that doesn't sound as good as the outcome." Tony leaned on the counter in front of him. "Did he spill something?"
"I was changing him too fast and he peed on me."  Steve answered with a chuckle as he made the sauce to put on the stove. Tony snickered. "Oh my god." And the laughing continued. Steve elbowed him. "Ok sorry. I was sure he'd do that to me first. I mean, you actually got some experience." Steve huffed. "I'm rusty. Besides my only experience is with a little girl. Boys are a whole new terrain for me." He tried to defend.
Peggy was Steve's only little. He and Bucky both took care of her but after he went into the ice, he just never got another. It depressed him for a while, but he found Tony and they agreed to find a little a couple months back. To say he was excited to have Auggy was an understatement. Steve had done most of the work for the nursery, painting the walls, putting the furniture together. He even picked out most of the stuff they got for their baby. Mostly gender neutral things but there is some little girl stuff and little boy stuff. Steve didn't care what they had, but he did want them to have lots of options.
Tony knew that was a touchy subject. He hugged Steve by the side. He kissed his neck and cheek. "I know sweetheart. You're gonna be better than me." Tony said as he snuggled into Steve's side.
Tony, never having a little, was nervous to say the least. Sure he babied Peter on occasion but he never truly embraced his caregiving nature.
Steve kissed the top of his head. "We both are gonna be good at this." And to end this sweet moment a loud screech was heard from the living room. Both the men made their way to the living room as fast as they could and stopped dead in their tracks when they saw what was going on.
Peter was tickling Augusts sides and the two were in stitches laughing. The two caregivers relaxed and Steve went back to dinner. Tony walked over to the two boys saying, "Hey calm down with the tickling or you're going to change him next." August was still giggling and snuggling into Peter, who was also laughing. "Sorry Mr. Stark, he was just asking for it after being so pouty." Peter teased as he bounced August on his lap. August giggled at the action and squirmed in Peter's arms. He raised a hand to Tony and grabbed one of his fingers. Tony sat down next to them and let August play with his fingers.
"I think he likes you." Tony mused as he nudged Peter. Peters cheeks were pink again and he kept his eyes on August. "I think I like him too."

After half an hour of waiting, Steve finally came into the living room to announce that dinner was ready. He then went to get a new shirt on while Tony put August in his high chair and he and Peter got settled in their own chairs. The food was set out on the table ready to serve. They waited to dig in till Steve got back. Auggy reached for some garlic bread as everyone started making their plates but he couldn't reach it. While he started fussing, Tony sat his plate in front of him since it had finally cooled. August stared amazed at the meal on his tray and right as he was about to dig in, Steve grabbed his hands and took a moment to take off his onesie.
Oh come on! He just wants to eat! They're practically starving him. Or so he thinks. So obviously he gives a few annoyed grunts and squirms the whole time Steve is trying to get him undressed. He was about ready to start crying when Steve finally moved away from him, but when he was allowed to touch his food he was back to smiling in no time.
"Jeez Steve, did you forget to feed him all day?" Tony asked as the three of them watched August practically destroy his meal. "I guess he was really hungry." Steve muttered. They all dug in after watching Auggy for a few moments. Peter had also been making a mess of his food and had it all over his face. Tony looked pretty similar. Steve looked up at started to laugh.
"You three are a mess. I should've made you all shirtless." He teased. Peter looked up and realized what he'd been doing, which made his cheeks as red as the pasta sauce. "It's just really good, Mr- I mean, Steve." Peter stuttered. Tony smiled up at his husband. "Yeah it's amazing." Steve smirked. "Really? Cuz it looks like you're wearing it more then tasting it."
August was giggling as he finished his food and clapping his hands that were covered in sauce. "Yep, you're getting the first bath." Steve said as he got his plate cleaned up and started moving the pots of food to the counters. Tony was in the middle of wipping his face when he spoke up. "Hey no, Hon, I can put away dinner. You cooked it." He stood as he finished speaking. Steve looked over at him. "Well, I was kinda hoping you would get Auggy cleaned up. He defiantly needs a bath." Tony smiled at the boy who made grabby hands at him. "Alright, c'mon spaghetti boy." Tony picked August up and held him on his hip. He didn't really care if his shirt got dirty. "Is there anything I can do, Steve?" Peter asked timidly after cleaning his face. Steve looked to him with a caring smile. "Sure, you can help me clean up in here."

Tony sat August on the toilet seat, with the little one giggling and kicking his feet. Tony started the bath water and plugged the tub once it was at a good temperature. He then got a wet wash cloth and tried to get most of the red sauce off of his squirmy little boy. Once that was done, Auggy got stripped of his diaper and sat in the tub. He kept letting out coo's and gurgling as he looked around the fairly large bathroom. Tony got to work on the boys hair, leaning his head back and getting it wet. He scrubbed in baby shampoo into his blond hair, making sure to be gentle. August seemed to melt at the touch and just enjoyed the warm bath in general. Once the shampoo was rinsed out Tony moved onto washing August's body. It was going fine till he really paid attention the the boy's back.
Lots of Scars.
  Tony froze. August wasn't even paying attention. Just splashing about. It took Tony a few moments to finally ask Friday to get Steve in the bathroom. As soon as Steve came in he knew something was off. "Hey, everything alright?" There was concern in his tone.
"Did you see these?" Tony asked lowly, rubbing his hand on Augusts bare back. Steve gasped quietly. He put his hand on August's back too. The little was starting to get confused and turned to look at them. "Uh?" Auggy babbled with his wide green eyes holding confusion. Steve's free hand was covering his mouth. "Baby," he started. His eyes were filling with tears. Tony have a sad smile to August. "I think we need to get you out now."

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