I head over to the dance floor, that's filled with many dancing bodies. I am constantly being shoved around. It's starting to get a little frustrating, but I keep on walking. It would be really embarrassing to me and Kevin if I yelled at a huge celebrity because they bumped into me. I can imagine what the headlines would say. They would be in bold and all caps, saying 'KEVIN ANDERSON'S GIRL HAS A FIT AT COLLIN ANDERSON'S BIRTHDAY PARTY!' Thinking about it brings chills through my body.

Before I can reach the front door, arms are suddenly wrapped around me. I freeze right on the spot. The person who's holding me gives a chuckle and turns me around.

There stands Collin Anderson. Kevin's brother. Collin Anderson is one of the most popular actors right now. Ever since he started doing the hit teenage drama, "Never Have I Ever" everyone's been talking about him and his great acting skills and his super-hot looks. He is also known as a player. About a year or two ago, a rumor was going around. It was saying how he once slept with a married woman and got her pregnant. That was all over social media. Until two weeks later when the woman confessed that she wasn't actually pregnant.

I blink up at his tall figure. Under the flashing lights, I can see that his hair is dyed blonde. Different from his usual light brown color. He smells strong with a mix of cologne and whiskey. I silently cringe at the not so settling smell.

"Aren't you the girl that my brother has been seen with lately?" His speech is crystal clear. Not one hint of a slur. I find it kind of surprising because the strong smell of whiskey doesn't add up to that.

I nod my head and step back away from him. Being too close to him has made me dizzy and a little sick to my stomach.

A grin spreads across Collin's face. It's so big that it looks like the Cheshire cat's smile. Which is kind of creepy.

"Well, nice to meet you. I saw you talking to Jace over there. He's a good buddy of mine. Been friends since Kindergarten."

The big grin that was on his face shrinks into a small smile. He must be remembering his childhood with Jace. Seeing him smiling like that reminds me how different he is from Kevin.

"Yeah, he's a good guy." I look behind him to see if Kevin's around. Sadly, I can't see him. I let out a sigh of frustration. I gasp when I realize what I did. I quickly cover my mouth.

Collin has a menacing smirk as he looks at me. His gray eyes sparkle with a hint of mischievousness. He looks like a rebellious school boy with that look.

He suddenly reaches out and grabs my chin. My eyes widen in shock. He pulls on my chin until were nose to nose. What is he doing? I open my mouth, about to scream, until he shushes me.

"Wait, wait, and wait. Before you scream rape, I'm trying to help you out. I brought you closer because I figured you wouldn't be able to hear me that far. Kevin is over there talking with Ariel."

He points behind me with his other hand. I turn around and see that Kevin is talking to a girl with long black hair. She's wearing a white dress that's short in the front and long in the back. The glitter on it sparkles under the vibrant lights. Along with the pretty dress, she's wearing diamond earrings and a diamond necklace. Her shoes are white open-toed heels.

I blink at them both. They are in a corner and for the first time Kevin has a bright smile on his face. Not once has he smiled at me like that. That Ariel girl must be really special to him.

Collin must have noticed how tense I've become, because he pats my head. "It's alright love. How about you come and have a drink with me."

Collin gives me a wink with a silly flirtatious grin. I can't help but laugh at the silly move. A genuine look comes across Collin's face. He takes my wrist and leads me back to the bar. I follow behind him. I can feel eyes on us as he leads me.

Serendipity Next Door (SND Series Book #1)Where stories live. Discover now