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"Please tell me you got the egg rolls this time."

Masky sets the bag down and Hoodie searches frantically for said eggrolls. You scoot back in your seat as Hoodie leans across the small table.

"Yesss, that's what I'm talking about, come to Daddy!"

Masky pinches the bridge of his nose as he takes the remaining food out of the bag.

"So, what's your name?"

He asks as he slides a container of fried rice toward you. He felt a bit stupid for not asking sooner, but you did sleep the whole car ride, so it left no room for proper introductions or awkward small talk.

"It's Y/N. And thank you for saving my life, and for the food."

Masky pauses for a moment, causing pieces of rice to fall off his fork and onto the antique brown table. He had never heard someone say thank you for saving their life. Usually, it was someone begging for their life instead.

"You're welcome. Now eat and be quiet."

You wished Masky was a bit nicer, and not so disgruntled. Perhaps he was one of those people who keep themselves at a distance, keeping who they really are hidden below the surface, until they can warm up to someone remotely trustworthy.

"I want to shower, could I borrow some clothes?"

Hoodie chimes in, his mouth half full of rice.

"You can wear whatever you find in the duffel bag, I think most of them are clean. They have a washer and dryer downstairs, although I'm not sure if they work."

You finish eating, feeling slightly better than you did earlier. You needed a shower and some private time to process everything that has happened up till this very moment. Hoodie slides a fortune cookie across the table.

"Cheer up princess."


You set the fortune cookie, a long dark gray t-shirt, and black boxers onto the slightly cracked beige counter. You turn the shower on and lock the door. You sit on the edge of the tub and finally break down. Tears fall onto the yellow mosaic tiles.

You stand up, wiping your tears away. You look in the mirror, dark bags are already forming under your eyes. You look away from your reflection and decide to open your fortune cookie.

Choose wisely, two is not always better than one.

The cookie was sweet, but that little slip of paper caused your mind to wander again as you stepped into the shower.

Warm water cascades down your body, slightly soothing your aching muscles. You stand under the warm water for a while, hoping that this was all a dream. That you'll wake up and everything will be back to normal.

You dry off and slip into clean clothes. You wonder whose clothes you were wearing. Either way they smelled good, like the cologne you smelled back at Brookbridge. You were gently combing your fingers through your hair when someone knocked.

Hoodie was waiting patiently as you stepped out of the bathroom.

"Where's the washer and dryer?"

"Downstairs to the left, and don't even think about running away. We will find you, princess, not that you'd make it very far."

F an-fucking-tastic.



You watch as the machine ate the quarters. Dried mud decorated your clothes, thankfully someone left behind some detergent.


"Stay here, and don't move. I mean it."

You sit on top of the washer and let your legs dangle back and forth against the washer.

Masky returns a few mins later with some clothes and sets them on top of the dryer.

"You just gonna sit there all night?"

"I guess so since you told me not to move."

Masky places his hands on the outside of your thighs, flat against the cold white surface. His thumbs brush against your skin for a brief moment. You could feel goosebumps forming and heat rising to your cheeks threatening to expose you.

"I guess I'll move you myself then."

He pulls you forward by your hips and slides you off the washer. Your body was now flush against his. He leans down, his face mere inches away from yours.

"Hope you don't mind if I toss some of our clothes in with yours."

Your heartbeat skyrocketed, leaving you flustered and unable to form a proper sentence.

"Uh, uh huh y-yeah sure."

"Let's head back, we got about 30 minutes until the washer is done."


Masky's POV

I knock on the bathroom door as soon as Hoodie turns the shower off.

"What do you want?"

"You got any clothes for me to wash? Some of the clothes in the duffel smelled dirty."

The door opens and a pile of clothes drops to the floor.

I walk back downstairs to see Y/N still sitting on the washer, her legs dangling back and forth against it. I set the pile of clothes on top of the dryer, and glance up and down her figure.

"You just gonna sit there all night?"

I notice a small smile spread across her face.

"I guess so since you told me not to move."

I place my hands on the outside of her thighs, flat against the cold white surface. My thumbs brush against her skin for a brief moment. Her cheeks were slightly pink. I had the sudden urge to rub my thumb across her bottom lip and kiss her.

What the fuck. Don't kiss her. Why did that even cross my mind? I've barely known her for 3 days. I'm having a similar feeling to the one I had the other night when I saved her. Come on, snap the fuck out of it Tim!

I quickly pull her forward by her hips and slide her off the washer. Her body was now flush against mine. The urge to kiss her again quickly resurfaces.

"Hope you don't mind if I toss some of our clothes in with yours."

She was flustered.

"Uh, uh huh y-yeah sure."

"Let's head back, we got about 30 minutes until the washer is done."

Fascination (Masky x Hoodie x F.Reader)Where stories live. Discover now