~ Twenty-Four ~

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"Skinny, are you done?" Ashton asked with an annoyed expression

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"Skinny, are you done?" Ashton asked with an annoyed expression.

His best friend had been staring at the mirror and combing and re-combing his hair for almost ten minutes. Not to mention that most of the students were already out of the dorm and heading for the school building already. Both of the boys were in suits and ties. Ashton had borrowed the suit he was wearing from his brother as a last minute resort since he was not one to own a suit because it was never in his style. Andrew, on the other hand, loves suits and owns half a closet full of them.

Ashton had never thought with a strict school as Wellsworth Academy, the school dances would be this glamorous.

He stared out of the window while waiting for Julian to finish the finishing touches and watched at the colourful dresses of the female students and at the boys in their suits. One girl even went as far as to wear a bright hot pink dress that sparkled with every move she made. Looking at the students made him wonder if Delancey was already at the school since he barely saw her the whole day, just early that morning before classes start.

"Okay… I think I'm done. How do I look?" Julian suddenly asked and Ashton turned around to look at his friend.

The reddish-brown hair of his, which was usually a mess on his head, had been slicked back and Ashton gave him a thumbs up.

"I prefer your hair in its usual form but this looks fine too. I'm sure Piper will love however you look so let's just go." he started to head for the door when Julian stopped him.

"Wait! Do I smell fine as well?" he stepped closer to Ashton, sending a whiff of cologne and Ashton scrunched his nose and nodded quickly, opening the door.

"A person from ten feet away could smell you. Let's go, you're getting late to pick up Piper."

They walked out of their room and the dorm before rushing to the front of the girls' dorm where Piper was already waiting. The blush pink of her dress matched really well with the blush on her cheeks and she had curled her hair this time, letting it fall in soft waves to her shoulders. She smiled when she noticed them.

"Finally! I thought you're not picking me up and had to walk into the school building myself." she took Julian's hand and gave a wave to Ashton before the three started walking toward the school.

Julian had of course, made Piper his date, and Ashton being the third-wheeler he was, of course had decided to tag along with them even when he had gotten asked by quite a lot of girls about being their date for the dance but he had declined each one. How could he go with any other girl when the only girl he wanted to be his date was not even going with any other boy? In fact, she wasn't even available to go with any boy.

"Have you seen Del?" he asked Piper, who upon hearing this, grinned at him like a mad woman.

"Oh, you already miss her, don't you?" she teased. "She's already at the school hall, of course, on duty. But, you'll be surprised by how gorgeous she looks."

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