Chapter 4.5 - Clarke and the Twins

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In the present

The Saltzman twins were not the only people worried with Hope's disappearance. Clarke was also panicking, but for an entirely different reason. Clarke knew the people who worked at Triad wanted Hope Mikaelson gone after what happened with Malivore. One person destroyed Malivore while the school held the workers off. Clarke had decided to go to Triad to see if anything was happening even if it was risky he couldn't let Hope just disappear like that. He couldn't care less about what happened to the Saltzman twins as long as his father was destroyed.

There Clarke stood at the entrance of Triad hoping to find some information on how to find Hope. He looked around the building and couldn't find anyone. It looked like everyone had truly evacuated the building for the time being. When he was searching he noticed a few monsters in the building. He couldn't ask the twins for help since they left, but he knew they were probably trying to find their own way to find Hope. To Clarke, it didn't matter the way as long as the result was the same.

He had spent a couple hours searching the safer areas of Triad and wasn't able to find what he needed. So he went out and saw people walking towards the entrance of Triad industries. The group of people were all wearing red hoods with the Triad symbol on them. He hid behind a wall as they entered and stayed hidden as they walked past the spot where he was hiding. They didn't notice him, but he had learned that Triad had done something to Hope. From the information he had learned he had already started planning on how to get Hope. He just needed to contact the twins and tell them the information he learned.

In New Orleans

The Saltzman twins have been in New Orleans for a few days at this point and there still wasn't any sign of Freya. They had visited Rousseau's everyday since their arrival and were thinking back to the spell that Professor Vardemus had told them about. The streets of New Orleans remained busy as it had been since they got there. Lizzie and Josie were on their way to Rousseau's once again. As the days went on without word from Hope they still couldn't come up with anything. They had asked around to see if anyone had seen Hope in there, and they all said no.

"Lizzie, it's been a couple days I think we should go back and consult with the headmaster." Josie told Lizzie as they went into Rousseau's to see if Freya was back yet.

"What was that spell Professor Vardemus told us about again?" Lizzie asked as they took a seat at a table.

Josie seemed to be against the idea of Lizzie using black magic and said, "Lizzie, he said it would be too dangerous for just us to cast that."

"What can I get you two?" The waitress they had seen the first time they came there asked.

"Is Freya back yet?" Josie asked the waitress.

The waitress just looked at the both of them and sighed before saying, "She isn't back, but I can let her know you two stopped by."

Josie looked pleased with the answer and said, "That would be great! Could we ask you to give her something?"

The waitress knew Freya and could already understand that this had to do with Hope, so she agreed. The waitress would be given a letter to hand to Freya when she gets back. Lizzie got up first with Josie thanking the waitress once again before following Lizzie. As they walked through the streets of New Orleans; they were walking back to the place they were staying at. As they walked they discussed what they would write to Freya in the letter.

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