"Ok...cool," I say, practically beaming.

"Cool," Nancy says, sounding much more relaxed than me.


8:11 PM

My dad dozes off in his recliner across from me as I sit impatiently. Robin is late. Well, eleven minutes late. But she's late. I begin to worry she might've bailed on me when I hear a very loud knock on the door.

I smooth out my hair and take a deep breath before I open the door, "Hi."

She smiles, hints of a smirk tugging at the side of her mouth, "Hi."

I swallow nervously before speaking, "Come in."

Robin is wearing jeans and an opened button up over a t-shirt, her many rings draw my gaze to her hands.

"Is there dirt in my fingernails Wheeler?" Robin asks, oblivious as usual. 

I feel myself turn red and hope she's oblivious to that too, "No, I just like your rings."

She smiles at me before twisting one of them off and holding it out, "Here, take this one."

"Are you sure? You really don't have to," I protest.

Robin rolls her eyes before taking my hand and sliding the ring on, "It fits perfectly." 

I'm hyper-aware that she hasn't let go of my hand, "It does, doesn't it." Instead of pulling away, I hold onto her hand and lead her to the basement, where I made my dad and Mike move the TV.

Once downstairs, I sit on the couch with my hands folded in my lap, unwilling to show Robin how flustered her touch made me. 

Robin takes a seat just inches away from me. 

I break the silence, "Ready to start the movie?"

"I've never looked forward to anything more," she says.

"Drop the sarcasm," I snap as I put the tape in the VCR.

"I'm not joking," she says behind me.

"Sorry- I just didn't expect you to want to hang out with...someone like me," I say as I turn to look at her. I don't think I'm going to play the movie just yet.

"And I didn't expect you to want to hang out with someone like me."

I furrow my eyebrows, "Why would you think that?"

"Oh, c'mon, you know I'm not exactly a socialite."

"And why would I care?"

Robin throws her hands up, "You're Nancy Wheeler, miss perfect future college-educated journalist."

I scoff and sit back down, "I'm not perfect."

The way Robin looks at me makes my heart beat faster, "You're pretty close."

"How come you're not going to college?" I question, brushing off her previous statement. If I acknowledge that I think I'd just end up more red.

"Money," she explains bluntly.

"What about a scholarship? Don't you know like four languages?"

Robin looks confused, "How did you know that?"


She smiles, "You talked to Steve about me."

I nod.

"OH shit...you talked to Steve about me- What did he tell you? Is that why you invited me over?Some master plan to ruin my life?"

"I have no idea what you're talking about Robin, we were just talking about his job and I wanted to know more about his coworkers."

She looks like she regrets everything she just said, "Oh! Sorry."

I place my hand on hers, "Don't apologize. It's fine."

Robin looks down at our hands and then back up at my face, "Nancy?"


She smiles. I can't help but stare at her lips.

She takes her other hand and gently moves my chin up so that our eyes are locked. I take my free hand and place it over hers on my chin, sliding it to be on my neck. Her fingers play with the hair at the nape of my neck. It's enough to make me melt.

"Are you sure you want to do this?" she whispers.

"I don't think there's anything I've felt more certain about," I speak before pushing my lips against hers.

We embrace each other as the kiss deepens, my cheeks flushing as our mouths move in a graceful dance. Her touch is intoxicating.

My hand grazes her breast as I move it to her waist, I quickly pull away. Now I really look at Robin, the way her bangs fall on her forehead, the curve of her nose. "The tips of your ears are red."

"Well you just felt me up, I think it's warranted."

I smile and let out a deep breath before falling back into her lips.

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