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He doesn't know why but recently Techno has gained a liking to someone. Who this persons name is? He has no idea, but he's managed to become friends with the people thats friend with this person. He sees him daily because of school, he shares most of his classes with him. He never talks in class tho, the only time he ever does is the classes Technos not in since he has friends in those. But Techno doesn't mind. He loves the fact he has the same lunch as him. Okay, maybe Techno was being over obsessive. He just. REALLY likes this person. Not in a weird way, maybe it is weird. No, its not, whatever, he's not weirdly obsessing over some random kid in his grade. HE'S IN HIGH SCHOOL FOR CRYING OUT LOUD! JUNIOR YEAR HE'S BEEN DOING THIS FOR 3/2 YEARS YET HES OBSESSING OVER A SINGLE PERSON JUST BECAUSE HE WANTS TO BECOME THEIR FRIEND? HOW MUCH WORSE CAN THIS GET-

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