Start of the third year's sports festival

Start from the beginning

Everyone had their teammates, Shishida teaming up with one of his friends from the support class. Then Ida with Toru, Bakugo, and Kirishima. Tetsutetsu with Shinso, Itsuka and Setsuna, Ibara and Pony, Yui and Ochaco, Momo and Kyoka, Mina and Komori, Tsuyu and Camie, Ojiro and Tokoyami, Shoji and Koda, Denki and Sero, Bondo and Shoda, Rin and Honenuki, Aoyama and Sato, Todoroki and Tsuburaba, Reiko and Kuroiro, Awase and Manga, Kaibara and Kamakiri, and then Mei teaming with Melissa. Each team getting ready to win against Izuku and pass the first part. '' Well, I will see you all later.'' In a puff of smoke, Izuku was gone.

He was now in the middle of the obstacle course, Thinking about how to perfectly mess with them, He wasnt going to hold them off, But he would irritate them. Present Mic started counting down. Going from 10 to add suspense to the group, Then at 10 they all pushed forward, All legs tied together as they were pushing thru the gate, just like the first time, But as they reached closer it showed Izuku staring menacingly at them, only a few feet in front of the gate. He was planning nothing as this was only a bluff.

This stopped them for sure, They were standing face to face with the strongest man in the world, Which had lifted buildings before. Just standing there menacingly. It stopped everyone, But Bakugo pushed forward, with a smirk.'' YOU THOUGHT THAT WOULD WORK A FUCKING SCARE TACTIC,'' everyone understood it now and walked passed Izuku who dropped his head, Only to vanish again in a little bit of sand. And show back up in front of the first exam, Where he used Pixie-bobs quirk to create some dirt beast to hold them off.

The Beast was around 50 centimeters tall and fast, running around and tapping the group in the legs. Or giving a small push, But they were too fast to be hit. Not that it stopped many from trying. Chasing around the small dirt beast, '' FUCK YOU NERD, GET THESE FUCKING SHITS OFF ME.'' Bakugo screamed as four of them were running around him and Kirishima just bullying them. With a single large explosion, The dirt exploded everywhere allowing Bakugo and such to run thru the first obstacle, which was a par-core path, Large rocks, and bars just all over the area.

'' Common guys, you got this, See like this.'' Izuku jumped thru the exam with ease and grace, Landing on his hands on a wooden pillar, Jumping off, going for a spinning flip landing on his feet, He then went for a bow, only to dodge with a backflip. As Momo shot a rock at him with a slingshot.'' Stop showing off darling.'' Izuku just shrugged as he kept teasing.'' Oh Chaco, Yui, That was sad, Come on, redo it.'' Izuku said as They started floating over the part. But Both just stuck at their tongues as they took first place.

'' Izuku.'' wha.'' Shinso had Izuku under the effect of the quirk.'' Carry us over to the finishline.'' OH HELL NO.'' Toru shot Izuku straight in the face.'' Thanks boo, Shinso, sneaky trick. I love it.'' Izuku laughed only to jump right to Shinso, making his fear that Izuku would land on them, But he turned to sand before hitting him, Just making him irritated as he stood in front of everyone, at the end of the first obstacle. Still talking.'' Oh Ida, where is the grace. Sato, watch your footing, Kirishima that lacked manliness, Redo the entire obstacle.''

Kirishima almost wanted to do so, As he never wanted to be unmanly but Bakugo was able to keep him on track, They were able to push thru, Running thru the first part, reaching the second part, Which was a massive pit with Izuku on the other side with a shovel. In reality, this wasnt the second part yet, Izuku had just used Camie's quirk to make a fake hole, It was just flat ground, But that would cause them to take the leap of faith.'' Oh, what will you do now, Take the leap of faith, or give up right now.''

'' FUCK THAT, NEVER GIVE UP RAAH!.'' bakugo screamed, Throwing Kirishima up, With his hand down, He exploded high up jumping over the whole. Others followed up, But some were unable to, It wasnt until Denku stumbled and his foot went over the hole, it was figured out it was fake. Causing everyone to sprint thru and reach the real second obstacle, Which was red light green light with snipe. Who was wielding two automatic paintbal guns. Bakugo wasn't paying attention and received around 35 rounds of paint against his chest.'' Redlight buddy.''

Snipe turned around again'' Green Light.'' Snipe turned around.'' Fuck that asshole.'' Bakugo kept walking. Even as Snipe turned around.'' Red Light.'' This time it wasnt just Bakugo Everyone was pelted with paintballs, Just showering everyone with paint with Izuku acting long, But stopping with each red light stopping in the most absurd stances there were just pissing the rest off. It caused some to be hit by the paintballs as they tried attacking Izuku. But he was just laughing. Only turning to sand as he almost got hit, causing Kyoka to be hit right on the forehead.'' I will kill him.'' Kyoka said stone cold.

He left them to go till the third part. It was the same as the first year, a minefield, But Izuku had a little fun, He had four clones set up, Two on each side, with a strong metal line, One low and one high, they would run up and down, forcing everyone to either jump or duck for each rope. Izuku was on the side with a sign,'' Good luck friends.'' he was just standing there jumping up and down, He was just enjoying watching everyone enjoy the exam. Especially Eri and Kota, who had big smiles on their face.

Unbeknownst to Izuku, or anyone else at the UA sports festival, a villain was getting ready to enter the scene and kill Izuku and everyone that joined his side. Dozens of new Nomu already set up ready to murder and create Choas.'' I will take my rightfull place on top of the underworld, and top of the world again.'' AFO said as he showed up, His face completely messed up.'' Just need my new body, Doctor, have you completed the drug.'' The small fat doctor showed up from the shadows.

'' Yes sir. I have, It should fully transform Tomura back into your slave, capable of becoming your vessel like he was always intended to become.'' Yes, I can finally become my younger version again, But first, To kill that Sucsessor off All Might, To end his sad existence.'' AFO started preparing himself, using quirks the doctor had gained over the time AFO started escaping prison, He had started creating a double for himself, It took two years but he was now he was fully free. He was looking over to the Nomu, the army of monsters ready to end Izuku.

The Quirks Hero: Nakama (MHA fanfic)(IzukuXharem)Where stories live. Discover now