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"So? Uh, Why did you think of coming here?" Seungmin asks, trying to make a conversation to get rid of the oppressively awkward atmosphere. "To be honest, I don't really know. It just felt like my heart was telling to choose this one. And I'm really glad I did." Jeongin replies giving Seungmin a deep look. The said person knew Jeongin was hinting to something but he acted dumb as if he couldn't understand the other's underlying meaning, "Oh."

Seeing him act dumb and purposely avoiding his hint caused Jeongin's eyes to darken a bit. But he quickly got hold of his emotions and his eyes returned to normal and he chuckled. "Mhm."

"So here is there music room. It's Changbin's and Mine's favourite room." Seungmin says stopping infront of the said room. However Jeongin was not paying attention to what Seungmin was saying at all. His attention was all on Seungmin's face. It seems as if he got addicted the older already. He already couldn't bear to let the other out of his sights.

"And this is the back garden of the school. Not a lot of students come here and so it's quite desolated from the main building. But it's a beautiful place, isn't it?" Seungmin explains and turns to look at Jeongin. "It sure is." The latter replied but his eyes were not on the garden but rather on the person who brought him here. "Aaaand, this concludes our tour." Seungmin exclaims, stressing on the word 'and'.


Seungmin's eyes widened, "it's already lunch time? Did we really take that much time?" Jeongin just chuckled, "Let's go to the cafeteria, shall we?" Seungmin nodded. And so both of the walked together to the cafeteria with talks in between.

"Ahahaha, r-really?" Seungmin asks while trying to stop laughing. Jeongin smiled at the other, admiring his laughing face, how can someone be so beautiful?

"CHANGS!" Seungmin yelled once he saw his best friend but soon frowned once he saw the other sitting together with the infamous friends of Yang Jeongin. He slowly walked to them.

Changbin's face changed once he saw Seungmin. He looked like as if  Seungmin just saved him from a horrible horror, "Minnie, Let's go! To our place!" He immediately stood up and grabbed Seungmin's wrist and turned to leave but both his and Seungmin's other wrist were clasped. Both of the friends turned to look at the owners of the hand and saw it were Felix and Jeongin.

"Where do you thing you're going?' Felix asked in his deep voice making Changbin chuckle nervously. Jeongin looked at Seungmin, "Eat with us." Seungmin being the smart one knew he had to no other choice so he turned to Changbin, "L-Let's, Let's eat with them." and sat down. Changbin looked at Seungmin in disbelief as if the other betrayed him. Knowing he had no other choice, Changbin sat back down with a huff.

"Do we need to introduce ourselves?" The black long-haired one asked. "A-Ah- , No, I mean, you don't need to. We know who you are Hyunjin-ssi." Seungmin stammered out, to be honest, he was very scared. Imagine sitting together with South Korea's most dangerous persons. Who wouldn't be scared?

Seungmin sighed. "What's wrong?" Jeongin asked. "Oh- Nothing. Nothing's wrong. Don't-, Don't worry." Seungmin smiled, efficiently making Jeongin fall more than he already has.


"So. What was that?" Changbin turned to look at Seungmin. They had a free period and were in the library, and thankfully they haven't crossed path with Jeongin and Felix again. "What was what about?" Seungmin asked back. "You and Jeongin! Man, He was looking at you with the most starstruck look in his eyes. I swear he must have fallen for you." Changbin said, exasperated. "W-What!?" Seungmin exclaimed in a loud voice, quicky apologizing when he saw several heads turn in their direction. He calmed down and asked again, "What? What do you mean?" Changbin look at him like he's the most stupid-est person he'd ever met, "Oh my god, you haven't noticed?" Seungmin shook his head, "notice what?" Changbin sighed, "Jeongin definitely had something for you. Hey, say if Jeongin is a yandere like his parents and you're his chosen one. How much time do you think it'll take until he kidnaps you and start the cliché forced-love on you?" He asked. Seungmin shuddered, "Stop. Stop right there. And-, And even if he's a yandere. Why would I be his chosen one? There's a lot more people who, I know for sure, would be dying to be his chosen one." Changbin snickered, "Don't say I didn't warn ya."

"Now, let's stop talking about me, and let's talk about you." Seungmin says, looking at Changbin. "Me? What about me?" Changbin asked, confused. Seeing his confused look, Seungmin snickered, "Oh, Don't give me that. I'm talking about you and Felix." Changbin's eyes widened in recognition, "Oh! Him! What about him?" Seungmin rolled his eyes, "You were trying to hide from him and he looked like he wanted to capture you and go." Changbin, in turn, rolled his eyes back at Seungmin, "He seems interested in me." Seungmin gasped. "What? It was obvious he is." Changbin said, exasperated and then added, "You think everyone is as dense as you?" Seungmin slapped him on the shoulder making Changbin cry out, "Ow! That hurt bitch!" "Serves you right." Seungmin rolled his eyes.

"Okay, jokes apart. What are we gon do?" Changbin asked, turning serious causing Seungmin to turn serious too. "To be honest, I don't know. I mean they are Jeongin and Felix and if they really are interested in us, we won't be able to reject them lest they hurt our family. They are rich and powerful. Moreover they could be yanderes. So we don't really have a choice." Seungmin rasped out causing Changbin to sigh, "Do you think, by any chance, if we reject them we have a chance of surviving?" "No I don't think so." Seungmin replied in a defeated tone. Changbin slumped in his seat.

"Now let's go. We only have one period and then we can go home." Changbin says as he stood up. Seungmin responded with a "mhm."


"Uhh." Seungmin and Changbin looked at each other feeling déjà vu. Weren't they in the same situation before? Anyways focusing in the problem at hand, Seungmin asked, "What-, What are you guys doing here?" Jeongin smiled at him but his eyes were darkened to pitch black, "I'm driving you home." "And I'm driving you." Felix says looking at Changbin.

Both of the friends were about to refuse but then they say the look in the two's face. Do we really have no other choice? So they sighed and agreed though it wasn't really a question.

What did we get ourselves into?


Author's note:

And another chapter done.


And next chapter, Jisung and Chan are finally appearing.

Today's song recommendation:

'Cause I like you.' by Changbin and Felix.


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