The trip to Paris!

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We were packing our bags, my mum Matilda was on the otherside of the house packing stuff. My maid was packing everything for me so I didn't need to worry about it. All the sudden I had a thought, "What about my issue".

 I worried and ran down to the nurses office to not see her anywhere, yesterday I got the news that we were going to paris.

I told her that I invited her to Paris, but only for me, mum wouldn't let me bring her unless she was looking after me, and I do need her.

I gave her a call and for once she picked up, Clarke explained that she had everything packed up and not to worry.

I was already in a fairly soiled diaper, I just wish it was bigger so I wouldn't have to worry about it leaking and so it wouldn't feel so wet all the time.

Were in the car and Clarke is driving behind us, I made mum stop so I could hop in Clarkes car because I wanted to talk to her.

We stopped on the side of the highway, it was an hour's drive to the airport, we have first class and we won't have to worry about our bags getting checked.

I asked Clarke to change me in the car and she refused. I was speechless I've never once hear her say no but it was only reasonable since she didn't want a dirty diaper in her car.

We got to the airport the whole time I was wet all the way to the back of the diaper, gosh I wish it would held more, it's like my pads now, always almost leaking.

We got inside of the airplane, I had a double bed all to my self, with slide doors, a TV in front of me and an area for the attendants to give me food.

It was was like those prison slide things, when they would slide it open and put the food through it and on the otherside you can put any dirty plates or trash.

I was basically begging Clarke to change me, I was going to be here for 2 days, it wasn't as bad as I thought it was. Clarke brought me to a baby's area.

I didn't want to get on the baby changing station but it's funny how it perfectly suited me, all the sudden I saw a massive wet patch on my pants, it leaked...

Clarke wasn't worrying for some reason but I was freaking out, I ran into the stall with clarke, it was like a room in there. Clarke striped me down.

"Here, you've been complaining a lot about it almost always leaking so I brought this, it's a booster pad, it makes diapers able to hold more, might be a bit thick.

Since this is a toddlers diaper this booster pad was designed for elder kids, so it will be a lot more bulky."

I didn't really like it, it looked like it'd make me feel more wet and stuff, I could refuse though I was sick of worrying about when Clarke would arrive to the house or when she would change me.

It was very bulky, she folded it over me with the pad on, it was a very soft cushion, it was even more comfy, it was like a pillow at that point.

I was worrying about my pants since they were wet, Clarke put them in a bag and wouldn't let me put them back on, she held my hand.

We walked out of the stall together, I was blushing so hard with nothing but a t-shirt and a super thick diaper, I was worrying people would see me.

A passenger walked by and commented. 

"Thats a really cute child you have there."

"Thank you she's really nice."

I kept my head down I couldn't believe that someone else thought I was an actual toddler. I got into my bed.

"Are you sure you will be alright here sweety?"

"Uh, I don't know I my clothes is at the back of the plane packed up, I was suppose to get spare clothing out but I forgot."

I couldn't find any sort of clothing anywhere. I was having a panic attack and Clarke noticed.

"Aw don't worry I'll stay with you, it would be a bit weird having a little girl with a big first class to herself, I would worry that an attendant would report you as a missing child.

I will stay with you for now, I got a change of diapers, so don't worry but I will go back to my place when it gets sundown so I can rest in peace."

I nodded my head, and together we watched TV under the blankets since it was cold.  They had heaters on but I had no pants, all the sudden I needed to poop.

"Clarke can we go to the bathroom I really need to go poop. Please take this off me."

"No darling, you will use the diaper, we wouldn't have enough diapers to get over there if we waste it like that. I'm sure you will be fine."

It was no use, she wouldn't take it off me, I ran out of my bed with Clarke running up behind me, I ran into the bathroom basically waddling the whole way.

I tried my hardest to take off the diaper, I managed to get it off I sat down. Clarke come up be hind me and folded and tabbed it up almost in an instant, I was ready to do it in the toilet.

But I felt all this mushy poop fill up my diaper. I groaned  and Clarke got mad at me which startled me quiet quickly. We walked back to my bed and it was getting dark, she tucked me in.

"Now don't run off again, if you get seen you will be in very much trouble and Matilda will know about your problems."

She was right, I wanted to stay with her and not be alone. I just felt like running down the hallways after her.

I went through the realization that I will have to be in this diaper all night, I just hope it holds, I felt myself peeing and notice it barely did damage to the diaper which I was happy.

I wouldn't have to worry about it leaking. Until a attendant walked in.

"What are you doing all by yourself, wheres your mummy?"

I knew I messed up I forgot to lock it after Clarke left, I have to think of something quickly, they will end up talking over the speakers of a missing child.

"Me mummy is gone toilet. Bad tummy"

Gosh that was childish I hope it works.

"Well it has a note on your door, saying "Attendant may change child when necessary.", Do you want me to change you out of that diaper?"

This was my change, Clarke left a bag in the corner with the stuff I needed. I nodded because I knew she could smell it. She went on to explain how she had kids and stuff.

She brought me to the baby changing station where she would change me, I had to explain in a childish voice about the booster pads which she did them as well.

She held my hand all the way back and sat me down, she offered me a dummy, I acted like I didn't know what that was.

"Oh sweet, I'll show you what they are, we have them in the storage room for babies that won't stop crying."

God, I knew that was a bad idea acting like I didn't know what it was, she came back with a pacifier with a bumblebee on it, she stuck in my mouth and clipped it to my shirt.

I was in a diaper smelling like baby powder with a pacifier in my mouth, I blushed just thinking about it. I'm glad she thinks my mum has the toilet runs, otherwise I would've been in trouble.

"Aw, you look adorable, now I will leave you hopefully your mummy shouldn't be too long, I will check on you tomorrow."

I nodded, as she pinched my cheek and left.

"Wait! Pwease take sign down!"

I shouted out, I sounded like a baby with the pacifier in my mouth, she just laughed at me and took the piece of paper down. I glad there wasn't much more interference's that night.

I had to go to the loo again, I couldn't poop in this diaper a second time, I manged to hold it in, and fell asleep watching TV snuggled up in the blankets wearing a diaper. I bet I looked cute with the pacifier clipped to me.

I woke up to Clarke walking in and I realised I must've pooped my diaper overnight, and it was very wet.

Out of no where Clarke came up to me and pulled the diaper back and looked down to see how wet I was then left, she thought I was still sleeping.

I thought she would come back to change me if she must've checked me. I sat up waiting for her to come back, it's been around 6 hours already, I've been napping in and out.

Watching the plane tours outside the window all day was really nice but tiring, it was now 2 PM in the afternoon and plane tours have finished until night.

Since I was napping most of the day out, I realised Clarke never changed me when I was sleeping, I walked down the isles to find her.

I got lost, I could find my way back, I wanted to go with Clarke on a public plane but my mum went on a private plane, so I wasn't worried about her.

A really nice lady picked me up and I told her my bed number while crying my eyeballs out I was honestly scared and embarrassed, I kept crying.

"Uh- ywes- 4D"

She took me to 4D and put me in the bed, she closed the door and Clarke barged in on the otherside, she heard me crying.


I just screamed out in happyness, I couldn't really speak because of this pacifier.

"Huh, I didn't notice your pacifier while you were sleeping, it looks cute on you. Are you crying because your in a poopy diaper?"

I just nodded, it wasn't worth speaking because of this darn pacifier, I spat it out but Clarke just popped it back in, I didn't mind sucking on it. I was just my speech I didn't like. I just kept it in there was no use in speaking with it out.

Clarke explained that I had a lot of room in my diaper since I'm wearing the booster pad, she also explained she put up the sign last night so I wouldn't end up crying.

I guess was glad for that. She kept the pacifier and just stuck it in my gob all afternoon, the night tours were pretty, we went past new york tower and the tallest tower in the world.

I got changed and went to bed it was only 8 PM, but I was pretty stuffed. Right before I was about to fall asleep the attendant walked into Clarke, the same one who changed me yesterday.

Clarke explained I would be alright in here by myself, and Clarke has a area for herself. She asked if the attendant could change me in the morning before we land in Paris.

The morning of landing...

Chapter 2 finished.

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