Albeit annoyed, Tristan didn't seem surprised. "You always were a coward," said Tristan. "Driven by what, self-preservation? More like ineptitude."

"Gentlemen," said Kol loudly. "Let's not brawl before the meal."

"Indeed," agreed Elijah. "We ought not ruin the dinner before it begins."

"And do try to bear in mind," offered Klaus, "we expect an honest and productive negotiation this evening!"

Tristan nodded warily, humming as they took their places. Klaus sat at the head, with Aurora on his right, followed by Tristan and Lucien. Elijah placed himself opposite to Klaus, leaving Kol to sit across from Lucien, Amaris across from Tristan, and an empty seat for Freya on the other side of Klaus.

Servers came forth with their meal, beginning to place the first course on the table.

"Given everything is out in the open now," said Amaris calmly, regarding the alliance being exposed, "I say the smartest thing, to avoid the least casualties, would be to manage this prophecy together. We know we cannot prevent it, as prophecies declare what is inevitable in one way or another. But we ought to be prepared to mitigate the fallout."

"Well said," Tristan declared, staring at her. "If it is, a fact, rather than an assumption, that everything is out in the open."

Amaris blinked, tucking her hands under her chin. "I don't know what you mean. Do you think we're hiding something? Because from what I hear, the only ones hiding anything are..." she pointed her fork at the de Martels, "the two of you."

Aurora made a face. "So, this entire dinner is meant to be some boorish inquisition? How rude."

"Nonsense, love," said Klaus. "My siblings and I merely wish to make certain we're all on the same page. So, who would like to begin?"

Tristan cleared his throat. "Well, Lucien and I have always loathed each other. Had we arrived as allies with a bleak future, you would have doubted us. We sought to remove suspicion by maintaining appearances. Of course, it seems Lucien disagreed on this point."

"The bottom line," said Lucien firmly, "we came to protect you ourselves. We have never wavered on this point. It is why I revealed the alliance, to in turn, protect us as well." He glanced at Tristan. "You know very well they would have killed us both if they learned of it from anyone else. And then, who would protect them? Who would protect your sister?"

Tristan considered this, and was silent.

"And the bodies on my streets," said Klaus, "is that your protection as well?"

"It's business as usual for The Strix," said Lucien.

"An old tactic," continued Tristan, "used often and to great success. Jack the Ripper, Son of Sam... A frightened human populace is that much easier to control. If tourism should decline, and the local vampires are deprived of fresh blood? Well, you saw how quickly Marcel joined our ranks."

Klaus rolled his eyes. "Pedestrian. I would've expected more from such gaudy theatrics."

"It worked in our favor, did it not?" said Tristan. "Your close friend, Camille, became very involved in the investigation. Knowing what her family has been involved in for centuries, we were able to narrow down our search for the weapon."

"The medallion," said Elijah, changing the subject when he noticed jealousy flaring up in Aurora's eyes. "The one which Lucien handed to us."

Tristan glared at the man beside him. "Yes. That one."

Klaus clasped his hands together. "A medallion that could lock us away hardly seems like a wise strategy for those come to protect us. Lucien came to that conclusion and fessed up."

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